07-16-23s Couizcil Chamber July 16, 1923. 'Fhe Council met pursuant to adjournment from July 9th, the Vice-P,Iayor presiding. Couxxeilmen I.:alone, P:ansoin, Scott, and undy crore present. motion by B;:r. i?anson, secor_ded by I,Ir. Scott, directing the Clerk to secure a policy'~f 1:;6,000 coverinm the employees of the 'eater a: Zight depe.rtment was adopted on ro11 call by unanimous vote. ridvertisements for bids, accompanied vaith specifications, for oiling the city streets having baen made as directed at a previous session of the Co;uzcil, a motion by 2,1r. I;Ialone, Chairman of the Stre^.t Com- mittee, that the Council proceed to open such bids as had been submitted ti^ras adopted by unanimous vote. The Clerk re_~orted to the Council that only one bid, that of a. 0. Greynold, had been submitted. Opon being opened and e.>amined they d of X1.0 Greynolds was foul7d to be in conformity vrith the spec- !ifications, and was as follows: "City of Delray, Delray, rlorida. " I propose to do your oiling accordir_m to ',your specifications fo-r the sum of .084.5 per square ~' yard. l'Iherc sand is available ~.lon- qtr.^,~ts, I ,:rill make you ~ price of .07~~ per .,~_v°~.rn y~s~_. "IS avda'rded this contract, same will be com- pletod in first class •~~orkmanship wnd. .yteri~<ls in thirty days. 9 '~ "Pa;~ment to be made t+rhen fades are collected. (Signed) .i. C.Greynolds." Certified cheep for •;; 500.00 accorxpanied 'ape bid. i motion by ?:ir. Flalone, seconded by ?.~.Sundy, <. 'that the bid of _~. 0. Grezrnolds for oilin• the streets as per specifications and bid tivas adopted on roll call, those votin~• in the =wffirm:xtivo b^ing '?~r. f.;alono, T:;r. ' ' =Hanson, ',~"s. Scott, and I"Lr. Sunda. By agreement the Chairman of the Street Com- mittee and TTr. Greynolds a.re to go over the streets to be oiled and determine from '~=rhat portions of the strerxts .sand ma~r~.vith propriety be taken. is. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Com- !mittee, submitted. the follo~~ing preamble and resolu- tion: `~" `~JHF~?Z!y4S it is necessary in order to take care of the increasing demands for electric current and to ;provide against unseen emergencies that an additional engine of t~rro-hundred horse povaer (200 HP) be purchased ';and installed in the YJater ~ bight plant, and 'a7HE:;EAS it is necessary and to the best in- terests o£ the City of Delray that ~ suitable municipal building be erected to accommodate the city officials, '"" ~i°o~*ide a city guard house and quarters for the Fire i~'iYlt~i1:8 ~.--.nd ecuipment recently purchased, a suitable location therefor to be acquired, and *. ~~' L ;',IHF?F_S it is deemed most expedient and and essential that lands be purchased and adapted to ',park purposes with necessary buildings and appurtenan- ces; THE~RE~~'ORE, BF IT ftBSOhVPD BY 1'HB COUNCIL OF TH? CITY OF DF~3Y, FT OZID^ First: That t'rxere shall be held in the City of Delray, Florida, on the 16th day of tlugust A.D.1923, at the Chamber of Commerce Ila.ll, a special election to 'determine z~,rhether or not there shall be issued bonds in the amounts and for the purposes stated on the offi- cial ballot as shown in form of ballot set forth in paragraph three (3) of this resolution. Second:. Any bonds ~~rhich may be issued in pursuance of the election herein ordered shall be dated July 1, A. D. 1923, and issued in the denomination of Five Hundred ([;y500.00) Dollars, and shall bear in- Merest at the rate of .six (6;0) per cent, payable se~hi- ~annually on the first day. of January ,and July of each iyear, and the principal shall be due and payable on the first day of July A.D. 1953. Third: The form of ballot to be used at said special election shall be as follows: "Official Ballot Bond election Y City of Delray, Florida, Elugust 16th, 1923. u.: 9F s I ~ ( 210TE- Fol~iovring each proposition appear the ;~rords "Yes" and "no". If you favor the proposition make a cross mark(::) to the left of the tivord "yes". If you oppose the proposition make a cross mark (X) to the left of the ~^rord "no". ) Shall hands not to exceed Twenty-two Phou- s sand ('j22,000.00) Dollars be issued for the purchase 1. and installation of an engine, dynamo, and. other nec- essary electrical equipment, and e.aensions, for the d7ater ~: Light plant? --- Yes ---- Pdo Shall bonds not to exceed Twelve Thousand (;12,000.00) Dollars be issued for the acnuisition of necessary land and the erection of suitable r.-~ZU~ici- pal building to accommodate the city officials, pro- ~ ' vide a city guard house, and ~auarters for the Fire Engine and engineer? ----- Yes ----- i;o Shall bonds not to exceed Sixteen 't'housand 4 (~',;`~16,000.00) Dollars be issued for the purchase of lands land the improvement thereof with necessary buildings, elks, and sodding,and shrubbery, for park purposes? ----Yes No. Fourth: The polls shall be opened ands closed accordance with the General Statutes of the State. Fifth: Only qual},fied bond electors shall be .. P ~' `- k perrnited to vote in the election herein provided for. Sixth: J. -^,. Zeder, J. ; ::ice, and Fred B. Scott are hereby named. and appointed inspectors, and 9 7: " Lulu S. trench is hereby named ar_d appointed Cler'_s to conduct said special election and the election shall be conducted in all respects in accordance with the General Statutes of the State. ,,* Seventh: .%~ special meeting of the City Council is heroby called to be hold at 8 o'clocl_ p.m. on the 1'7th day oY .1a~tst :i.p. 192, for the pur?~osc+ ._ of canvassing the returns of said election and decl«.r- in tine results thereof. ,,:~~` .. the Paayor shall give notice or said election ,~ b~~ proclamation as recurred by li^a, by 'posting conies of sucY: notice in three public places for a period of r_ot less than your rreeY.s prior to said electior_. ine preamble and resolution vvas seconded by a hr. Ranson, and on roll call eras adopted, those voting in the affirmative being Is. I:ialone, I;ir. Ranson, I~Ir. Scott, and Idr. Sundt'. 1}ir. Strunk representing A~airbanks, Morse & Co., met with the 0ot1ae11 and the matter oY a contract Yor the lease purchase and direct purchase oY a 200 HP engine and necessary electrical equipment was folly discussed. A motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Sandy, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract with 1•sirbanka, Morse & Compsay in aocordanoe with the proposals ' submitted, verbally, and which are to be rednoed to wri- I ting, Yor the purchase oY a 200 tiP. engine complete in ~ all de i~ls~was, on roll ca~a, adoplsed by n~,,mona vote. ~~~""C1e~ ing Mayor. I