08-13-23 Regular(o
Council Chamber
Angast 13, 1923.
The Council met in regular session, the
Mayor presiding. Counoilmen Been, Malone, Ranson,
and yeott were present. ,
The minnt®s of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
The Clerk laid before the Connoil s commu-
nication from the Gulf Stream Really Qompany, of Palm
Beach, Florida, in which the+sid company accepted the
'proposition of the City of Delray, Florida, to furnish
electric current for the use of the club house and
power plant of said eompany ender construction on the
ooean boulevard between Delray and Boynton. The terms
~, ~. ,offered and acoepted were:
lOF,I per BW hour for power and 15® per K W
for lightm measured at the power plant or the club
house, the city to be in position to deliver current
by the 1st of December 1923 providing the Southern
Bell Telegraph and Telephone Company's pole line is
';oonatructed by that date.
The several bills laid before the Council by
the-Clerk were on motion of Mr. Been referred to the
Finanoe Committe®, the Mayor having named Mr. Malone
as s member of that committee pro tem. After being
audit®d, the bills ware reported back to the Council
with the recommendation that they be paid, and on roll
oall the bills were ordered paid by unanimous vote of
to 3: i
he Council. '
Couneilsan Sandy appeared and sat with the
iConneil for the remainder of the aeasion.
On motion of Mr. Been, seconded by Mr. Ranson,
the Clerk was directed to issue a permit to P'. T. Noble
'for repairs to a frame building on Dade, in the Fire
Zone, when he ahall have complied with the ordinance
by filing a famrmal application stating the nature and
extent of the repairs and thRpayment of the required
Mr. Ranson, on roll call, was authorized to
pnrehese 30 30' poles, 6" top heart, at the price of
X4.50 each, delivered at Delray.
Mr. Troop, sanitary office, submitted a ver-
bal report sa to his activities.
The committee on Streets, through ita ohair-
man, Mr. Malone, submitted a scheme for the renaming of
alh streets and avenues, excepting Atlantic Avenue,with
s favorable report, and on hie motion the scheme was
deferred to the Committee en Ordinances.
The Council ad3onrned to meet at 8 o'clock
.m. August 15th tp prepare the ballot bog for the
Dial election to be held on the 16th, and for the
nsaetion of such other bnsineas as might Dome before
Lt. /~
Clerk. ~ E~syor.