08-17-23 1 Counoil Chamber dug¢at 17, 1923. The Conseil met pursuant to adjournment !from August 15th with the Mayor presiding. Conneil- men g®®n, $anaon, and Soott were present. Gouhcilmen 'ldalolWand Sundy were absent. A motion by Mr. Scott that the Council proceed to oanvass the returns of the apeciel elect- tion held on the 16th was adopted by unanimous vote, and after the returns of the inapeotora were oanvaesed r and found regular in all respects, a motion by Mr. 3oott, seconded by Mr. Ha,naon, that the returns of the inspectors of the election be accepted and the results declared, was adopted by unanimous vote. The returns of the inapeotora showing that a total of seventy-nine votes were cast, and were voted on the three propositions submitted to the voters as follows: Thousand ($22~,1000.00)dDollaraobeziasued~forytheopur_ ' ohatae and installation of an engine, dynamo and other neoeaaary electrical equipment, and eztenaiona, for the Water 8e Light plant i Yes, Seventy-a (76) votes. ao, Three (3) votes." Shall bonds not to eaeeed Twelve Thousand '(12,000.00) Dollars be issued for the aoquisition of neoessary land and the erection of suitable municipal building to accommodate the city officials, provide a city guard house, and quarters for the fire engine and engineer: Yea, Sixty-eight votes. Do, Seven votes." ' ~- I "Shall bonds not to eaeeed Sixteen Thousand ~~ ~ ~ ~ la~nlds©©and0~heoimprovenentsthereo~ wi~hpneoessaryf buildings, walks, sodding and sehrubery for park purposes: Yes, Siaty-seven (67) votes No, Nine 19) votea.^ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF T$E GITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA: First: That the issue of whether bonds not to exceed the sum of Twenty -two Thousand 022,000.00) shall be issued Por the purchase and installation of an engin®, dynamo and other necessary electrical equipment, and eztenaions, for the Water & Light plant, has been decided in the affirmative. to exceed theoaum oPhTwelve Thousand (~12h000b00asDolt Tars shall be issued for the acquisition of neoeasary land and the erection of suitable municipal building to aeeommodate the city officials, provide a city gnarl house, and quarters for the fire engine and en- gineer, has been decided in the affirmative. to eaeeed Sixteen 'PThh~neand i~16e000.00)tDollarsdahall be issued for the purchase of lands and the improve- ': went thereof with necessary buildings, walks sodding, and shrubery for park purposes, has been deeded in the 'I affirmative. Qn roll Ball those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Keen, Mr. Hanson, and Mr. Saott. A motion by Mr. Been that the city guarantee to the Chamber of Commerce the laying of water pipe in ~ the proposed parking by the F. E. C. Ry. Co.,at and about the railroad station should the contribution of ~! the Railroad Company not be sufficient over and above -~ other expenses to pay for the same, was, on roll call adopted by unanimous vote. Bradley, s perintendent~of thetWater ~caLightoplant,~ D. J. Davis, engineer and lnesman, and A. L. Neil, engineer, shall be increased to X200.00, X175, and Septemberr1923ctOnerollfcallathosetvoting inttheyaf~ ~ firmative were 2vir. Been, Mr. Ranson, and Mr. Soott. ' fL'he Council granted the appiieation of John I Thieme for the erection of an office and stor- age buildingg for the Burd Praduee Company on the rear end of Lot 1, Block 93, the said building to be con- i e ~ '?~l Y\ I Istrncted oP reenYorced concrete and the with asphalt ~bui3t-np rooY, with approximate dimensions oY 60' X 60', .at an estimated cost of hive Thousand (5,000.00) llollars. Th® Couneil adjourned subject to the call oY the~Mja~yor. / ~~ ~~y Clerk. ~ Mayor. i l , / / i! ( ~\