09-10-23 Regularfl f Council Chamber September 10, 1923. '171e Council met in regular session the Dilayor ;presiding. Councilmen Keen, te7alone, ttanson, Scott and Sundy were present. The tlinutes of the previous meetings were read =and approved. Rev. 'v. G. Allaben and Rev. Hobt. H. Russell 'presented to the Council resolutions adopted by the Methodist and Baptist churches protesting against the putting on of a picture show at the Bijou theatre on the evening of Sunday, September 16th. After discussion the mayor promised that he would see to it that the picture was not shown on the Sunday evening as billed. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, .submitted an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ~'OR 'iHE SUBrSISSION '1'0 THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS AT THE ANNUAL ELECTIOId OCTOBER 2, 1923, `i'HE ~UESTIOId: "SHALT. 'i'HE COUNCIL OF 'i'H.E CITY i OF DELRAY, r'LORIDA, ENACT AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ~~HE SALE ON SUNDAY OF 9NY GOC)DS, v~AHES, tr9ERCH.P3DISE, 'PHF. i WORD ISd t~iERCH12dDISE `I'0 INCLUDE GASOS,INE, i"1SPAPERS, ;CIGARS, CIGARETTS, 'TOBACCO, ICE CREAM, 1CE;D DRINgS, OR THE OPENING OF PLACES OF AP~dUSEMEN'1' AND RECREATION ON SUNDAY. I~fter the first reading of the ordinance, a motion by Nlr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Malone, that all of the caption of the ordinance except that relating to places of amusement and recreation be stricken out was adopted by unanimous vote. On ivlotion of Mr. Scott, the rules were suspended and the ordinance ordered read a second time by caption only. A motion by Mr. Scott that the ordinance be placed on its third reading and final passage was :'sustained by unanimous vote. The ordinance having been head a third time was passed on roll call, those voting in the affirmative being Rtr. Keen, A1r. Malone, RLr. Ranson, Mr. Scott and Pdlr. Sundt'. The Clerk laid before the Council current bills which on motion of Mr. Keen were referred to the r'inance 'Committee. After being audited the bills were reported ;back to the Council with the recommendation that they be a- paid, and on roll call the bills were ordered paid. On the application of J. S. Y4uepper the Clerk was authorized to issue him a permit for a hollow the '.building 23' % 65' one story composition roof on the -- iS. W. portion of hot 5, Block 100, at an estimated cost !of X3500.00. On Motion of Mr. Keen, J. S. 9Juepper was granted ;special permission to move a frame building located on ilots 5 and 6, Block 100 to the N.E. corner of l,ot 6, ;provided however that when so moved and located the building shall stand full 100' from the building of The Delray Theatre Company, lncorporated. A motion by Mr. Scott seconded by Pdr. Malone, authorizing ffihe employment of Geo. A. Long to maY.e a , survey of the eemete~'y, co-operating with the local- American hegion, was on roll call adopted by unanimous vote. The City T&a Assessor submitted to the council his assessment roll for the year 1923, and on motion of Mr. Keen it was accepted by the Council. A motion by Mr. Keen, that the Council sit as an !equalization board on the 17, 18 and 19 of September meeting at-7:30 P. Td. was adopted by unanimous vote. The application of C. M. Reed for permission to lerect a private garage, metal Biding and metal roof, on lot 17 Block 116, at an estimated cost of X5200.00 was ;approved. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee called up the pending ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCF. OF BONDS ~! OF THE CITY OF DELRAY, r'LORLDA, '1'0 BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "IT~ROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY, rLORIDA, 'ISSUE OF 1923", DESIGNATITdG THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH SAID BON SHALL BE ISSUED ATdD HOW THE PROCEEDS ARISING FRO.TU7 T1~: SALE !OF SAID BO'~TDS SHALL BE E%PENDED, PRESCRIBING THE FORMS OF 'THE BOT~TDS AND THE PARTICULARS THEREOF, AND CREATING AN !INTEREST AND SINKItiTG FUND AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT !THEREOF. s And moved that it be placed on ita third reading and final passage. The Ordinance having been ordered and !read a third time, and in full, on its final passage those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Keen, h1r. Malone, Mr. Ranson, Mr. Scott and Mr. Sundy. On motion of Mr. Keen November 13, 8 P. M. was !fixed as the time for opening bids for the sale of the ,proposed issue of X50,000.00 of bonds, 1~ of theā€¢amount of the bid, in the form of a certified check payable to the Treasurer of the pity of Delray, Florida, to be re- quired of the bidder as an evidence of good faith and ability to conform to his bid. The Council adjourned subject to the call of the ~~ mayor. r Clerk. Mayor. ~~