11-13-22 Regular6r
Council Chamber
November 13, 1922.
The Council met in regular session, the Mayor
presiding. Councilmen Keen., Malone, Ranson, Scott,
and Sundy were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved as read.
The Clerk laid before the Council a communication
from E. A. Nessler relevant to improper assessment of
property in 1921 and the same was referred to the Finance
Mr. Keen moved that the treasurer pay to E. A.
Nessler the sum of Twenty -nine and 40/100 ($29.40) dol-
lars and 0. Helland Thirty dollars (§30.00) being the
amount of taxs erroneously assessed to and collected for
the year 1921 from them. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Scott, and on roll call was adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Mr. Keen current bills submitted
by the Clerk were referred to the Finance Committee, and
after being audited the bills were referred back to the
Council with the recommendation that they be paid, and on
roll call the bills were ordered paid by unanimous vote.
Mr. Ranson Chairman of the water & Light com-
mittee reported to the Council that a working agreement
had been reached with Perry Bradley and that he had
been employed as superintendent of the 'Rater & Light
plant at a monthly salary of >P175.00 commencing November ;
On motion of Mr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Malone,
r ^�
the action of the Water & Sight committee in employing
Perry Bradley at X175.00 per month was on roll call
adopted by unanimous vote. --
A motion by Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr. Malone,
that A. L. Neil be employed as assistant engineer at the
Water & Light plant at a monthly salary of $125.00 was
on roll call adopted by unanimous vote, the employment
being effective as of and from November 1st.
The Mayor reported to the Council that he had
appointed D. A. Mitchellas City Marshall.
A motion by Councilamr} Sundy that the appoint-
ment of Mr. Mitchell as Marshall by the Mayor be con -
firmed, and that his salary be '100.00 per month commenc-
ing November 10th when sworn -in.was seconded by Mr. Keen,
and on roll call was adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee,
submitted an amendment to the ordinance adopted February
14th, 1916, fixing the speed limit of automobiles within
the city limits. The amendment to the ordinance was read
in full, and on motion of My. Scott the rules were sus-
pended and the ordinance read a second time and by cap-
tion only.
A motion by Mr. Keen that the @ hairman of the
Committee on Police and Sanitation be authorized to pur-
chase for the use of the Marshall a badge and pair of
handcuffs was on roll call adopted by unanimous vote.
A motion by Mr. Keen that the Chairman of the
j Street Committee be authorized to incur the necessary
expense to have proper speed limit signs painted; also
caution signs for the approach to the school, was adop-
ted on roll call by unanimous vote.
A motion by Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr. Malone,
that the Chairman of the Committee on Police and Sanita-
tion be authorized to secure suitable camping space for
tourists and have the same put in proper condition was
on roll call adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Mr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Scott,
Dr. Roy Webb was named as Sanitary Officer without salary.
On request permission was granted J. Pi. Berg
tr construct a sidewalk in conformity to the city regu-
lations on the west side of Boynto street alongside of
his property, north 50' of lot 6, block 101, and on
Atlantic avenue to connect with the present sidewalk.
The Council adjourned subject to the call of
the Mayor.
Isfayor. '