Ord 496-43 0RDINA?~CE N0. A96 Ti" ~ .... ~ CiTY OF DEIRAT B~ACH, AN ORDINA~YCE 0F ~; CItY C0 T~C IL 0F }~0R IDA ~i~ ',~ . R~GU~TING TH~ S~ A~ DIS~JT~_o~ 6F ~ PR0~D~i= FOR A D~N~Y~'~CE ArD S~R~gC~ C!~_~ ~ S~ ~ .A~D PR0~D!~'~ P~ALT~S FOR V!OMTiON T'TE~0F: C ~TA'ff0N 0F ~R PASF A~ L~AID ACC '~; ~ RWP]~LING A~ 0R~NA~'~CES 0~i TARTS ~F~ 0RD!~CES I~~ C0~LICT ~::~:,~ J~.H.' " B[~ IT [~RDA!~D by the City Counc il of the City of ~ir~ Beach, Flori~ as fo~ows: Section 1. T[~at Section 7 of Ordinance No. 152 of the Ci~ Council of the City of ~i~F Beach, Florida entitled "~ ~nance re~iating the sale mud d ~tribution of water f~ni~,ed, providing for a ~ in ~ nan ce and service chs~.:¢e for service rendered to o~ers and con~rs ~ the City of ~lray ~ ..... and ~ gulating Beach, .~lo~'~m; re~t~ the ra~s t~for, the ~nmr in which watar co~6ctio~ and ~ ters sllal! be fu~ished and pro~dLug penalties for vielation th~of; creation of )~ens for past a~ unpaid accosts; ~d repeali~ a~ ~d~ances or parts of ordinances in conflict he. with," be and ti~e marne is i~mz~by amended to read as follows to-wit: "Section 7 T~re shcd. i be a s$~r~'+ . ~.~e n~ ter, water tap and service for (;ach home, d¥¢eiiing '-' tenant !~ouse, apartment h:-:~use :r other bu~.di~ suitable f~ livi~ s~ore building ~d place of busi~ss for the f~nishing of water and wat~,r service within ~e city on and after tl~ date of the passage of tills ordnance. Provided however, t.~t the owner or tl:e p~.son in w~ose nc~e water r~r or water service tap is listed in the C~t., ,,,~:r Books of ali water ~ters or water taps or wa~r set. ce that are now in use and f~ishing water a~ ~'ter service to more th~m one s-tore building or place off business, home, dwelling house, tenant house, . hohs~ apaz~ent/or ..~er building suitable for living sarters shall ~a~ a ~nimum mont ~y water charge for the such store building or place of business, home, dwelling house, tenant house, apartment or oti~r building suitable for living quarters connected with , sa~d water meter or water tap sc~Tice a~d for each such additional store building or place of busi~ss, home, dwelling house, tenant house, apartr~nt house ~ oth~ b~id~g suitable for living quarters, shall pay an a~ual c~rge of Six ~oli~s (6.00) ~r ~ar. T~s smnuai ct~r~e s~il be paid on or before the 10th day of J~uary of each ~ar in addition to the rea~iar monthly c~[~r~i~e f~,~ water meter~d through tD~ water ~.~ter on said premises and also in addit ion to the ~]~.50 monthly ~intenance on said water co~ection.~' PA~7~D in ze~iar session on second and final reading on t,'~is t~e BEnd day of Y'~owmber 194~. City C~ rk