Ord 450-42iJeach, Flori,~t, due to 'the~':,'+:.~, that the license t,~x im~ose~[, by businesses, ')ro~.essions and/or o~_.~, z.)ations, .. ~' '~,~ .[- end whereas it necessary for the N,m~eaiate preaervation of the public 9esoe, property ~nd safety ano for the daily operations of the v~rious denartments of this m~micipality, that said ordinance be ame~aed b~~ Kll el~Le~6e~io}~ ord inane e, ,' . it ordained oy th~ J?_t~: 3ounci~ of th~ ~ity of ~eiz'ay ~*:,-,~ah Florida, as follows: Section 1. That Cubsection A 2! of Sectioa 3 of . O~vy Del~v lee Florida, ordinance ],[o 2i, 3, ~3oa 1~, of the of . . oh, "~utoN~ttic van&ins i-,ach/nos atari devices where only incentive to operate s~ e is to proc~re or receive r.erch~ndise- of '. ~ reesou~01e, v~!ue for cosy of o:,~ .... ~,t.~-~' .. the same, suc~ chewing ~:tn~ ~mch:tnes,~r~ea~mt n~_~chine'-~._, ,~nd. otn.;~ si~il,~r ~acnines ~t~!d deviocs. ....................... ~.00" Section 2. r,,,.hot Subsection ~_ 32 of 3ec~:'.~o~}. } of Ordinance ~,~o. 2t~3, 3ook i~, oi} the ~lty of ])elray '~-'~acn, be ~rltj %ti~ sE~i,,.e is h~reb}r aI,,ended to read as follows, to-~/i.t' :tOOih opera, Lea I'&8Olrlifles, co,.triva;io(,? of de~rice~ operated fop ei~:isei,eut, and o{}.~.li~ll~ 'oailed hill ball Each m~chine, c,.~,ntriw~nce or device (If any person under th.e .. ~:lIt }eh (1~) veaz's i'} allowed to play o}~ such ~}aehines, c ntz~vancw~ or ,'~evic~ the license issued therefor shall be rew)ke d } ......................... $2 ~j. 00" Section 3 ..h~t .Subse,'~. be and tale s~;.e is hereby a;Le/~ded t3 Pea,fl as fol!o~vs~ "3oin operated machl::~es, c.o~triv~,nce:~ or devices operated for a~<~use[.ent ~ ': . .n,.~ th~:t do not disoens~ ~i"..,- form of Oa. Lle~ S~ot ~.a'Oh[f!es. prize or Pettr~rd Et~d oOI./~o~-ll~z '' ~' {This seot lon s~ll not oe c:.,xstrued to <luthorize the Llse of - '~ any t~ers,or} un~er tq~ ~:~:-'e of fifty, eh (15) years of caance. ~ . : . .. th(~ ].ioeuse is~aed therePor shall ]>~ r~voked) ...... ~100.<)0" j6ctlon 4. ~t- ., be f~D{] Zhe $e]~.e [s he:reby ::.r'~,~no. ed ta :o~a,i -.s foiiow:~, t~-wit: )~,/'!]~:F :i00;3 ~t~)~ ]5~.~ :.D~~''' ~' ' '-