Ord 452-42
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ORDll"J.tl='TC~ I.rJ.
lU' Ji~DIlrArJC:S ()~' THE cr:_'Y JJUNCIL O.J' "'E-r;~ CrcrYJF 9ELHAY :S~:,\CH,
B'LJEIDi\ , C..;\Lr~ItT(} !t'OF\ I.. l)liI:.Ij~Ir{ I~LECTI.Jl-J ~J ~,rJ~""i;II;.4rlri: C.Al:TDIDt1.r~11~~~3
~'~r.~ ~:D~ J ?F ICE OF G I'l'"!." C (}[JV:; II.. 1,\.1" Il C-}{OTJ}\J :J j~~'";D E, P::tOVISETG
:1 ~).i~ C.lilill I l}. /r::,:'3 f;:_<-1>'1 (21j-,') ".~FIJ~I.JL:~~)}liLI}f"Y l":p(.....1.. :JTJCH 1):2:L:AHY ]~LECr;':W::,
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PJ>fD J\j)~L)lJ=I.:r2Il!G 11~ :JLEI{~{ ~U\.;:) IJ!~3J.~C~e:)r~,3 'r.J :-{:J~D3ii.ID Elj1.~crrIOI\f.
r;mId;;ld '1.'he City Charter of the Gi ty of Delray Beach
provides that a primary election Hiay be held in said city not
roore than thirty days nor less than ten days prior to the date
of the generel city election, And it is provided by tIle cha rter
of the City of Delrey Beach th8t the City Council shttll pre-
scribe bj ordinance the method and r.~anner of hol<ling all elections
in sa iu city, and sball provide when a::1d hov\' s pe cial elections
shall be cc31led and held V"flich 8..re not proviaed by the terms of
the City Charter, and
~nlliliLA3 A group of electors have petitioned tue .] it'.!
Council to pass an ordinance callinG for a primary election
r within the time specified by the charter 3nd to provide the
{~:. method and @.mner of hold ing the same, n (Jill , theret'ore, be it
~ ordained by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach as
follows: ,
1st. That a primary election to nominate candidates for
the office of City Councilwan in groups D, and E is hereby called
pursuant to the request of 8 group of electors I and the date for
holding of such election is hereby designated and set as 'Tuesday,
Novelli.ber 17, A. D. 1942. Such primary election shall be held
at the ..Wiremen':3 ilall ill the City of Delray Beach, Florida, or
such other place in SAid city as DlliY be designated by the procla-
mation of the ~ayor callinB said election on the date specified
between the hours of 8 A. ,L<4. and 6 ? ~d. , ...:i~stern ''/ar 'L'iue.
2nd. All qualified electors of the City of Delray 3each,
Floricie, S hALL be (lUalifieci to vote in said election.
3rd.. In order to quali:fy as a candidate in said primary
election, the candidate CHst file ~dth the City Clerk of the
t City of Delray Beach, ll'lor ida, on or before Tuesday, Eovekber 3,
1942 a sLatement in writin~ under oath that such candia!:'! te
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F0I( COu~'~GIL";'~~:n (~lu\.:]'3 E
(Vote' for one)
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5th. 1'he City Council hereby appoints 13. J. ..2 ~, J V
as Clerk, ..and 6JJ;U JriC!-lr, '1..12 . . /~1" 'fPJi1 "11\;'A1 . and
V\.. (~ (" .
.... , Y\,t.<l ('., d-t'lJ\f' . ,8S inspectors of said election.
6th. This eleotion shall be conducted substantially on
the principles adopted for state elections insofar as the same
: do not conflict with the charter of the City of Delruy Beach,
~ and shall be conducted sUbstantially in the same !ilanner as
general elections in said city. If a candidate in any group
receives a majority of the votes cast for councilman in that
group, he shall be declared the nOl:1inee for such group and shall
be entitled to have his name placed on the general election
ballot. If, however, no candidate in said group receives a
majority of the votes cast in thBt group, then the oandidate
recei ving the highest nw,lber of votes ancl the candidate receiving
the next highest number of votes in said group shall be entitled
to have their n~~s placed on the general election ballot.
7th. The result of the voting in said prli,~ry election,
when ascertained, shall be certified by return in duplicate,
signed by the clerk and the majority of the inspectors of said
election, one copy to be delivered to the Mayor and the other
to the City Clerk, both of whom shall transmit such returns to the
City Council at a called meeting to be held nClt later than three
days at'ter suoh election. At such meeting the City Council shall
canvass the returns, and in the absence of a deolaration of a
oontest by any of the candidates in such election, shall declare
. .
is a qualified elector of the City of Delrey Beach, Florida, is
'-' t~e owner of in~roved real estate within the limits of Delray
Beach, Florida, and has milled the same :ror one year prior to the
date of announcing his candidacy for the office of City Councilme.n,
the t the ins trwnen t by "vhich title to such real estate is
held has been of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of l)allLiBeach County, J:i'lorida, for one year prior to his
announcing his c9.ndidacy for the office of City Councihan and
that he 11138 .98id oi ty taxes on improved. real estl3te vrithin tile
c1 ty 1 imi t 8 of the City of Delray ::3e8c11, li'lorida, for the year
1941. The ctmdid~]te must also at suerl time exhibit to the City
Clerk either the original deed or other instrUlilent by ',\{hich he
clair,s title to reEd pro1.Je or a certified copy of the record
of the same. The city Council shall at its regul8r ueeti.nc: on
November 9, 19/+2, pass upon the r-llJalifications of the c~:rHUd8tes
,. for the office of City Counoilman.
The candidate shall designAte in his statement of v'vriting
under oath in which eronl' he will run. He shall also pay to the
City of Delre.y Beach a fee of $10.00, wh1ch sum sh8.11 be p~id
f'lt the time of fil ing said statement. ~rhen this statement has
been filed and the said sma of :;10.00 has been paid ~nd the Council
has found the ce,ndidp<te :.;.uc\lified under the chArter of the ']ity
of Delray Deaeh, the eanJidate shall then be entitled to have
his ne.llle printed on the ballot in the grauD desic:m'\ted.
4th. The officiol bAllot 1'01' ;C4C :Lri election shell be
substantially in the following form:
Pt'in1ary Election
City of Delr~y 3each, Florida
rrovelTtOer 17, 1942
. -
:;:;IeJ<:e a Cross (X) 11ark before the 11alas of the Candidate of
your choice
~ ---.. -
_.' Elections are for B term of t~ro years
(Vote for one)
... .. ~
the result of the election by the returns 1.1I3.(I.e by the clerk and
inspectors for said election.
8th. The Uayor of the Uity of Delruy Beach is hereby re-
quested to dall this priLJary election by pro clatiat ion nu blisl1ed
in a newspaper of general circulation puolished in the City of
Delray 3each, for two consecutive i/eeks prior to such election.
FLT3ED in reguler session on second and final resaing on
this the 12th day or October, A. D. 19/+2 .
Attest: Ap-proved:
~'~f- 1!tcn~
City Glerk
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