WHEREAS 0rdinance No. . ~ provides that the Mayor of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, is authorized, em~owere~ and directed to ~rescrib
. such orders, requirements and regulations as may be necessary to insure
the success of blackouts and to~rotect life an~ property during said
period, and
~AS there is now in force in Delray Beach a partial black-oUt
generally ~nown as screen-out, and
w~AS it has become necessary to issue certain regulations in
order to insure the success of such black-outs and to protect life
~OW~ T~0~ I ~. H. Scott, ~or of the City of ~lray Beach,
Florida, do hereby ~rescribe the following regulations which shall be
in force ~d effect on an~ after May A.D. 1942
1. Sirens. The use of sirens in prohibite~ except as air raid or
black-out ala~s, ~ practice an~ for the use of the Volunteer Fire
Department. ~e ~e of air ho~s for air rai~:and 21acC-out ala~s is
to be substituted for sirens as soon as installations are complete. ~rop-
er notice will be liven when this change t~es place.
2. 2rohibite~ Lighting.
A. Ali '~xteri0~ ill~lnated or ill,inuring signs.
B. ~rivate or eo~ercial floodlights of any nature.
0. ~y ~d all li~ts visible from the sea on a level of 18 ft.
above high tide or on a level with the ,ce~ Boulevard, whichever is
hi~her, whether shielded or not.
D. Bonfires or burning of trash at night.
E. 0arryi~ of flashlights, torches, or any other source
li~t even unlighted on the beach.
3. Restricted ~igh~ing.
~. Upen street ~ights shall be completely covered as with a
c~, open at the bottom, and they shall be of such an intensity so as
not to exceed 1~ foot candles on any surface.
" B. Covered street li~ts ~so-called white way lights) shall
be so shielded that the cone of maxim~ ill~ination will not fall upon
any surface inclined to the perpendicular. This light shall not exceed
1~ foot c~dles on any fixed surffaee.
O. The matter of street lighting extinguis~ent shall be in
the hands of the Delray Beach 0ivillan ~fense 0ouncil ~d the aayor of
Delray Beach.
4. Interlor ~.
~.~ Ail in~lor lights visible from the ocean on a level with
the ~cean Boulevard or 18 feet above high tide, whichever is hi,er,
whether on the east, north, or south side of the building, shall be
blacXed out completely so that no light shall show.
~B. Interior lighting not visible from the oeec, i.e. western
exposure of houses visible from the ocean, and all exposures of houses
not visible from the ocean shall screen out all house openings so that.
li~t escaping from such openin~ shall not be in excess of
dles measured on a vertical line with the edge of any sol, id overhead
covering. Frovided that where such building is on a street havin~ street
l~hts, the interior house lighting shall not ill,inure any e~terior
~ surface to a greater extent than the s~e is illuminated by the exist-
,--~ in~ ~treet lighting.
i:~g in a convenie~t and destinctly ~nar~e~ place on the Jront of the
building controlling all of the night lights used in co~eetion with
building. The location of such switch, or switches, shall be made known
to the air raid ~.Avden of the district in ~hioh each such building is
l~9o~ted, b2 the owner ,manager, or other person responsible therefore;
0. Exterior Lights with no ocean exposure shall not exceed
15 watts, if the light is red it may be left unshietded; if any other
~ color is used it shall be completely shielded as with a can so as to
· direct the light bean downwards. Such light shall be at least 4 feet
· above any horizontal surface.
5. Motor Vehicles.
.~o~o~ vehicles between ~ hour after sunset and ~ hour be-
fore sumrise moving east of the ~lorida East 0cast Canal will proceed
at not in excess of 20 miles per hour, and shall use uo light greater
than generally accepted parking or official black-out lights as defived
in "Black-out", August 1941, except that deep re~ shall be used instead
of blue in the latter case.
B. motor vehicles between ~ hour a~ter sunset and ~ hour before
sunrise shall use the same type of light and function under the same
speed restrictions as in B A, when traveling on il) ztlantic Avenue
east of Swinton Avenue and ~E~ on North East Second Street.
0. No motor vehicle shall travel within the municipal limits
between the ~ hour after sunset and ~ hour Nefore sunrise ~1~ at a
speed in excess, of B0 miles per hour; ~2~ using headlighting in excess
of so-called ~ow or city driving be~n.
D. The 0ivilian Defense 0ouncit may at any time define the
color and amount of light which constitutes low beam and parking lights.
E. No motor vehicle shall proceed however at ~ rate of speed
having regard to the fact that we are in a military area, which will be
dangerous and likely to result in injury or damage to persons or prop-
~. The enforcement of the provisions of paragraph 5, titled
motor Vehi~cl~s, shall be in the hands of the regular uniformed police
6. General Informat~qn.
A. No light from any source shall stream outwards and upwards
But shall be directed downwards and shall be kept within the walled
confines of the house as far as possible.
B. Shaded lights within a house of reasonable wattage which
do not shine directly on venetian blinds or other window coverings will
in general conform ~o or c~n be made to ~onform to 4 B.
7. Apartment. s, Hotels, etc. These provisions apply in all detail
to apartments And hotels, '
8. Respo~slb~e ~ersons. The present occupant of the premises
Whether owner, manager, operator, tenant or other persou shall be the
perso~ responsible for the co~dition of the lights and compii~nce ~ith
~his o~der on ~h~ pr~J~sos.
9. Oartain Buildings to be m~uipped with outside ~witches or xept
Blacke~ OU~. ..... ' '--
~1i b~ll~T~gs containing lights of any kin~ or character whatso
ever, where no watchman~or other person is continually in the building,
shall be equipped by the o~ner, manager, or other person responsible
therefore, with one or more masterscitches lock, ted outside of said build-
· lng in a convenient and destin~tly mar~ed place on ~he £ront of ~he
building controlling all of the night lights used in connection with
building. The location of such switch, or switches, shall be made known
~ to the air raid warden of the dis~ric~ in 'which each such building is
~ ~Lo~te~, b~ ~he owner .manaMer. or other person responsible therefore;
switches, such o~ner, m~Lu~e~' or o,.~er De~on :c sDo'l:~'~bLe for
b~ildinE, s~:~ll ..... h~'~v~ th~ ~z~t ~:~a o~;i:~ of h~¥iug ~IL ~'~ht~ connect-
ed ',~ith s~oh b~ilding, e~t~nguished ~t all ti~es between sunset ~nd san-
rise. In b'~ildings of ~his second c~te~ory no light shall be lighted
between sun~e~ ~d s~urise wi~ho~t notifying and wi~h ~he cousen~ of,
shall uo~ le~e ~l~e b~ild~[~ witi~out e~ting~islling all li~t.
10. mmergeney Vehicles. mmsrgency vehicles such as used by doe- '
tore, nurses, ~bulan~es, police ~%nd fire equipment, gover~ental agen-
cies, ~ile in such emergency ssrvi~e, may uae s~ch light ~nd speed
may be u~essary in the ~mergsuoy.
ll. ~ ~f lights, etc. Air raid wardens shall be, ~d the
are hereby authorized, ~mp0wered ~directed to inspect all lights
within their respective sectors, ~d in the sveub such air raid w~rder
shall find ~y light within his area in contradiction with this order,
he shall request the owner or other person responsible for s~h
to comply with ~his order and if such request be not promptly complied
with, such air raid warden shall report such faeB, flying the n~e,
and place of the ~iolation of this order, to ~he Xollce Department of
~e 0ity of Delr~y oeach, ~lorida, o~ to the Delray Dea~h Defense
l~. yiol~ti0~s. ¥iolators of this order will bs s~oned to
police court by ~he use of ~ags similar to those used for traffic vio-
lations. Tags will b~ issued for violation of t~se orders by Oivillan
Defense Agents as well as by police.
lb. General HeEulations. The purpose and intent of these regulm-
tions is to comPlY with the navy's request to elimin~lte slay glow and
~he general o~ders of the Delray Beach 0ivil Defense 0ouncil ~d Eayor
General ~m, Bryden, u. S. A. In controversial ~tters tbs Air ~id
Warden shall Be the Judge as to the fitness or ~fitnes~ of lighting ex-
cept that pertaining to vehicles, which latter matter is solely iu the
hgnds of the police.
D~ED a~ ~lray Beach, ~lorida, this the gist day of ~y, 1942
{~IO~) E.n. Scott
~yor of the c~y of Delray Beach