423-41 n'~*" '"~'r"~ ~ l~' T~': CI~ ,iF DEL::~ *~E :C'¢'. :?LORIDk" ~T SO FAR ~;~{~RE.~o, an emergency exists in the dity of De.ray Beach, Florida, due to the fact thaZ the ordinance definin~ the occupation of 0ontrsctors in this City, and prov/ain{~ a lice;~se fee for opera't/ng as sach, has -been found to ce impractical and to ce ~o~.~n¢,, a hardship on the contr:~ctors of this city, and ~m~=~v.q it is necessary for t:;e liw,~ediate oreservatioa of public peace, property, health or safety of said cit,:., or for the daily operation of a municipal department that said ordinance be repealed, I?0?,* '~ ~"'--'~'~;? 3e it ordained by the City 0ouncil of the City of Delray 5~.ch, Florida, e.s follows: Sect ion 1. That Ordinance No. ~00 of the CLsy Ob'mOll of the Olty of Delray Be~.ch, Floriua, ez~zLtled "An ordinCmce or the City ~ounczl of the ¢~ty of Delray ze~c ;, Flori,:;a, ~ei'inln~ the occupation of ,general bu/lding contr~.otor, ge~eral contr~:ctor anj sub-oo~traotor, defining the term contractor and providing for a license fee fear all co~-~traotors doing business in th~ City of Delray BeL-ch, Florida" be and the same is ~ere by repealed. Section That all provisions of Ordinance No. 2~5 of the City Co~cil of the City of Del~ay Be~,cn, Florida, entitled "~ ordinance of the .City Council of the City of Deiray Be~::ch, Florida, fixing occupational ta;<es and licenses to be charged the varioas oersons, firzzs or corporations en,¢faged in or ~r~naging any omsiness, profession, or occupation in vhe City' of Delz.ay Beaci~, Florida" ~vhioh were repealed by Ordinance No. dO0 b6 and the same are hereby reenacted and Ordinance ftc. 2~3 described as above is hereb!,~ declared to a?ain be in full force and effect as it applies to contracting, as well as all other license fees for different types of busi~ess aad professions provided therein. Section 3 · All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as the sa~_e are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take eft'eot u0on its passaffe u'oon first reading. i°A~{SED in special session on this the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1941. Preside~t City Council ~ 2~.tt est: Approved: City Clerk i ~.Iayor