400-41 ORDINANCE ?~0. i FLORIDA, D~'li.~l~G ~L60CCUr~:,TIOi.f 0.~ GBI..~L ~UI=DL..G B~ IT 0~.a)~l~,~ By the city ounc~l of the Oity of D~i~ Beach, , = .... ~lorLla as follows: Section 1. The te~ Contractor as used in this ordinance is hereby defined to be any person, fin~ or corporation who shall accept orders or be enfmged in the Ousiness of acce.:2tinc~ orders or contracts on costs plus, fixed fee, stated sum, percenta{~e basis, or any Combination thereof, or for compensation other than wa{{es for doinf? work on or in any building or structure requiring the use of any building material, or to do any paving or curbing on drivev~gys, walks, sidewalks or streets on pu01ic or private property usin{~ asphalt, rock, clay or any other material or co~:~bination thereof or hauling distributing or a~,lymnt~ sand, earth and/or top soil or to excavate for foundation or any o ~aer purpose or to construct sewers, docks, drive pilings, construct bridges, sea walis and bulkheads, or for building, r~zodeling, repairing, raisins or mo~ing of any buildin{~ or other structure. Section ~. For the purpose of tills ordinance there are hereby established three classes of contractors, namely: general ~uilding contr~..ctor, (8) general contr~ctor, and sub-contractor. The { eneral buiidin contr¥~.ctor shall be authorized to do any t~}e of contraco~ng work. The {mneral contractor shall be authorized to do any t~e of contracting work except in the construction, alteration or repair of buildings. The sub-contractor shall authorized to do any contracting~work, in the particular trade specified in his contractor's license or any allied trade which is customarily performed by the holder of such sub-contractor's license. ~en p~forued under the supervisions of m gemer~ buildi~ contractor 6r ~mer~ c°ntrac~°~&c~ion 3. The license fee for general 'building contractors shall be {~lO0.O0 per year. The license fee for general contractors shall be eoO.O0 per year. The license fee for sub-contractors shall be e25.00 per year. Section 4. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as the sa,.ue are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. t~ASSED on second and final reading on '0his the ~6/1~ day of June, A. D. 1941. Presid~nt'C~ty Co~nci~ Attest: Approved: City Clerk '~---- ~ayor ~ ¢ I~N ~ORDINANC]~. OP TH~ CIT"E COUNCIL ~0~ THE C~ OF DE~A~ BEACh, FLORI- DA, DEFXN~G THE OCC~ATION OF ~R~' DEFI~G TERM CON~AgTOR AND PROVI~NG ~R A LIC~SE FEE ~R ALL' CO~CTORS DOING BUS.ESS IN T~ C~Y ~ DE~ BEACH, FLO~DA. The a~ve 'ord*nance ~s published in caption ~n~y. cuDF of. sa~e.~n full. ~ng on file in ~e Cl~y Clerk'e office for lns~on of ~n- ~ ~s. Same wa~a b~ ~he 'C~t~ C~: at ~ts regular ~t~ng. June ~3, 1941'.~ ~d ordinance t~ take eff~t on July ~. 194L ~E W. C~MP,.City