09-25-16 Regular Council F.co~a dept '?5 1916 The regular enacting of the Tevrr_ Council eras Ca11ed to order at 7:45 P.li. iarith tl.e following n:a*!bers present. s J.^,Zeder F,Crego G.?.Harvel larehal prasent <:i :inutas of the previous maetirgs wni^~ reftu ed ove;r to th~,: next regular rieeting for correction, ''otion by F.Creg;; and supported by C.'.''.Harve-l; th~• following ;, hesolutior_ was ailoptad. B?~ IT R"^CLVI+:D,By the To+r~ Council of tiie Toren of Delray Florida, that E.P.r,.c Ginlay Delray Lodge P7o 171 F & A.4,1 ' and C.l.?.~?ood be and are hereby- notified and required to build' and construct a side;~alk upor? Gallard 6t adjoining Lots iJo. 1-18a J9-2E~-^1-.^-,2-r3-24 of Block 69 of the Tovm of Delra Florida accordin to a lat of Delray ~ y , g P ,~ (~.ora~~ly Linton) ._ oxr file i.r. the public recorda of Pali Baach County,Florida; the said sidcrralk to fiv: feet in xridth,to be rorstructed .F according to grade stakes to be placed at tha directioxi A of the said Toting Cotn~cil,ard to be constructed of concrete '- COIl'p0~'. ~' C° '~1^''. ~??^~. CC-rIIent,tha f'Gl~.i~:..?.tiOl1 v`' Zi)': at laaSt ,t tAree inches_thck and. consisting of not.l.esp_:than line part of cement four parts of sand and t?ie eurfacc or top drassing to be at least one inch thiclt and consisting of not less than one paxt of cement 'to tvro parts of sand. Tha said H.F.u`cI~inley Delray Lodge Aio. 171 F.&.A.iri. and C.s.'iood is further notified anc. rer_uirad to construct a.nd car..pleto the said sidewalk ~~~rithin sixty days from the lst,day of Cct ~a, A.D.1916;otherti,isa tY:a Tov:?~ Ceunci7. brill cause the said side *.ralli to be constructed and brill pay fcr the cost of construct~•; ing the same,ard grill hold and enforce a lien for such cost `0 against tre said prcperty. .,. ordinance afftexing the aancunt of Licens tax for oil ~oddlers~ amending the second line of page 6~ of the Tom. 7oc'ze~ :raw presented tx~'_ 1?t~-c~:^-o':~-=t, Pix~.-'--c~a~;r=RZg. BE IT GRD!~IbTLD BY THr lir1YGR liND TO?`2T CCIII.7CIL :iF TH' TOiT? ^vF D?"LR:'_Y: That Page F1 of the Tc~°rn Gcdc and the ceeond line o° eaid page he anu the s ~:e is hereby ,:snex_,ded bt c'raxigeirg the figucrs ~ 15.00 to 4~ 5.00 so that the .said line as amended sYxall road as follo`v I,ICDP?rL Oils,pedd.lera,each wagon ~ b.00 This or;linarice tc be construed as reduccirg the amount of the license tax o~ the abav~~• described occupation from ~?5.OC to .4~5.C0 c,otion by F.Crego and sur%ported by G.Va.Harvel that the ordinax.•ce be placed oS its first reading. Carried Read in full. ~lotinn by F.Crogo and supported by G.1~.Harvel teat the ordinance be read by caption only uar~^ied. Ordinance rand b;,r Caption . by G.':'`.Harvel an~1 supported by F.Crego ;that the rules br^^. suspended and the ordi'raxxcc placed on its third reading anu final passage • Garri:;d Ordina:~_ce placed o~.. thiru. readirg on by F.Crego grid supported by G.'t"4.Harve~: that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Roll Call F.Crego Yea G.'..Harvel Yea J.l._.Zeder Ye 2. C'tifl^I?'D ,,, _:_(:t~G:. ls~' F.CY`<ig0 atld '.`.LiT'r U2't>C: ~y Cs.i:.HarVG-1 ti-2•L ....C a„ @~ ccll ctcr ras tha at.~.cr,-ty to ti~aver ti;e fc-e ofl ~^!! o+^. al.l 7.'~1^ tav Ccriificate~^ i~herc cvrn~'r~ l~av~ yaid u~i 1'13- ?.4-& 1F tare:: ir. fall. Roll Call F.Cr°~~o ;y^~a C-.'`.Ha,rv:l Yea J.L_.Zed:r Yea. Ca_'ried ~1Ut:L C:1 ~~. (t.'~oHarVel u^.r+U uu~.';r:Ort BCi 'Dy FoCr•~j~0: ~-rct i ~ C.6_`'~-eY• d,Ct aS a CO .~i.t`_: Fi 6f Cif: t0 is ~Y'1;~'CJlYl~ CiU'."~ t::G rOcLC= .. 9. ~'^lnn'.L fi'vu; $Oti+i: f'., ~~ t0 ttCi :P:: GY:^zi1~~2L~'71t~ Vii`,. '~~ti'I _i::~. i'iotion by F.Crego and supported. by G.'t?.Harvel: that trE CGtiY:Ci~. ad jcurl t0 vCt " at rI`.+--~ F. ~.. i~'r ri~C7 ~~~cil G, Ott,, ~~iQil~-~%~''tn-i-t-`.~.~/ Clerk