11-14-16 Adjourned Regular G p 4 a C! a 0 ~! Council Rooms Noverxber ~ th 1916 A ~• The adjourned regular meeting of the Torn Council was ~`~ called to order by the ~.ayor at 6:30 P.n. with the Following; members pra:3ant.J.A.Zeder G.17.Harvel F.Crego L.L..Barwick J.::.;;artley Absent °:4arshel Present. (Auditor J.~7.?_:itchel presented his report.onthe !,cater ds Light..~_,. (Plant for ±he Past fiftsexl months .The report shows the- plant mn good condition and paying. Report on the receipts and expenitures,~how a difference of 64.36 to be acco~nted . for. Pviotion by . F.Crego and supported by L.L.Barwick ~" That tP.e Auditors report be accepted as read and aced ' on file. Cari•ieiz. The matter of the amounts due on the eustmmers ledger.for past services was tak_an up and discussed at length. it was finely desided :on'a n36tion by_3,,A;Zeder and supported-, ." by F.Crego that after January let 1917 that all bills not paid b~ the 15th of each month became deliquint and the service eras to be cut off. Ro11 call '•~'' J.A.Zeder Yea G.11.Harvel Yea F.Crego Yea LP~L.Barwiak Yeas ~` ~ T-,' Carried ~~ J.D.P,;itchel presented his bill for Audteing the Water do ~ N, Light Books Notion by Jhpprego and supported by L.L.Barvrick that a warrent,,~k be daawn for the same, Roll Call ~`~ ~ ?' J.A.Zeder Yoe G.'~r.Harvel Yea F.Crago Yea L.L.Bar ck Yea Carried ' °'" There being no further business the Council adjourned „„„ t ., i~~" ;;~ ~ ~z~ ttest resa. en ,~ Clerk ~~ ;a