02-14-16 RegularCouncil Room Feb 14 _191F The regular !~eetim~ of the Town Council was called to order by the President at 8:20 P.i-'. with the follol•ring me~~bers pr^SOnt. G.il.;itriCllaild ~.F.::i11er J.i1.:~.dor,a_7a _.3rshrtil FiatT Ei@y. .~bSent ~`7 .~id.Bl aCkIDEr i~.J.~t??'1i1'7~. Tho tinutes of the previ ous ix~eting vrasread and approv~.d. Comrnunicatior_ faem ~Yr. R.3 .Yeomans in regards to City t,ttorneyship ,arras road. On a motion by ~,A.leder at;d seconded by G.J.Strickland that the Proposition of i:r.Yeoinans be accepted and 1r. Yeomans be and ~ ~ Appointed th~~ To•,vna ;lttor- . • i~py for the Year of 191E at the salery of TI:P? AOLLAR~ per, month,her~inino urith February 1st, 1916. .'~ vote•of the yeas and nays being takex~,th~ ?~o',;ioti carriad vrithout dasent•. RE>OLUTIvT" i Providing for the- calling of a special election to su?~mit to the r'lector~ of said Toi~m,~.ualified to vote thereat The question of the Totnrn of Delrazf's borro.~ring money in the amotuzt of X55000.00 To pay all outstanding indebteness of ,said Toy*rn not covered by Bonds h,=ras presented and read vrhich , is as follovres. Be it resolved by the 3'oti`rA Council of the Toivri of Dalray,Pah~ Beac.? County ,r^lorida: That tYler~s ~xall b:^ a special election in the said Town,at the Tgtam Hall ,on the '14th day of ?larch A.D.1916 undex• the athority of ±he Con- titution and the Lavrs of the State of Florida, including ,Chapter 6679 of the Special bets of the Legislature of 191'3. being the Charter of said Tosm,to assertaini-" the To•=rn ti~rill bo-rrot~+ money in the sari of X$5000.00 and authorize theTo•,an Council to issue the T'o~n~ks notes or warrents in evidence thereof , or Be it further resolved tli~,t any notes ,:°rarr~ents by virtae of said election shall b~ dated April 1st 191'; be five in number; in denominations of X1000.00 each,bear:ing interest at a rate not to e~cede eight per cent per anurn payable semi- a:~nually from date of said notes or warrents,and said notes or warrents shall be due and payable One,Two,Three,Four,and five yearsfrom date respectfully. Bo it further resolved that the procedes of said notes or warrents shall be kept in a seperatei fund and used oaly for the payment of indebtedness con- tracted previous to the issue of said notes or warrents. Be it resolved that the form of the ballot to tie used at sa~etl election shall be substancially as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT Town of Delray Florida ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE TH8 BORR06`JII7G OF T_,iONEY. liar. 14 1916 If you approve the proposition make a, cross mark (~) before- the word"yes"; - if ,you disarmrove, before the word "No" Shall the Town Borrow X5000.00 to a licuida,te present indebtedness? YES Shall the Town Borrow X5000.00 to: liquidate present indebtedeness? No Be it further resolved that the said election shall bB con- ducted in the manner provided by lacy and ordinance for the holding of general and specie elections in said ~owr, a_nd that J.L.Troup, J.S.Siandy and R.S.Yeomans are hereby anpoin- ted inspectors a~ -~'-rank -Hand Clark of said- elaE-t,:~on~ Be it furtP,er resolved that. a specila meeting of the Toom Council is hereby called for the 15th day of March A.D. 191o,to canvas the returns and declare the results of said election and to transact any other business proper to come before said Council.. Be ~t further resolved that the ETayoa of said Tovrn ,give notice of said election by proclamation, which procolamation shall be posted ir. accordance with the ordinance of said Town governing the calling of elections. And said procolamation shall contain a true and completo :copy of this resolution. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. b'otion by J.A.Zeder and seconded by,G.J.Stri- ckland that the resolution be adopted. A vote of the yeas and nays being taken, the motion passed without decent. ?notion by J.A.Zeder and seconded by G..f.Strickland,that Frank Hard be and is appointed Clerk of election,to be Held on the 14th ofRTarch. Carried 2layor Cromer addressed the Council in regards to thesale of Near Beerin the City Limits and presented an ordenance for `gin ;the conside~tation of the IIouncil, which is as follows. A.td ORDINANCE OF THE TO;NN OF DELRAY.PALP;i BEACH COUNTY.FLORIDA. ~hIPOSING A TAX UPON THE BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION ®F SELLIgG ''NEAR BEER .SO CALLED.iVITHIN THECORHORATE LIhTTS OF SAID T0~'JNs' ~'IXIN& THE An.OUNT OF SATD TAX APdD PROVIDING _A~PE2+ILTY ~ _, FOR FAILURE TO PAY TiI^ ~ASviE. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Tovm of Delray, That,by virtue of the authority conferred by section 66 of Charter of said Town,a tax is hereby imposed upon all persons,firms,a:-sociations oP corporations engaged ir. the business or occupation of selling ar_y drink or bevsrage commonly known as Near BeHr,such as Bud, 1iault,Acme,Brew Red Buck Ale Ricautaino, Extracts or any similardrink, wholly or in part within the coporatc limits of said Town That tha amount of said tax shall be ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS a year or any fraction of a year. The Tax Collector shall issue a license to each person firm, association or corp- eratiosz paying the said taxand each licensa so issued shall expire on the 31st day of Septembor next after the issuance thereof . .'1my pereon,firm, association or corporation who shall engage in the bueinoss or occupation aforesaid without first having paid said tax; or without the license aforesaid, shall be fined not more than T'"~0 HUNDRED DOLLARS.or impH~s~oned not more than STXTY DAYS, or boath said fine and imprison- ment. All ordinance or parts of ordinance of said Town incon- sistant with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Adopted by the Town Council February 14th 1916 Cpl • er'. ~M:.e.C~GI~.- Prasident of Town Council Approved Feb,l5 1916 /~~~~i~-l~~~Y viayor %/f~J Posted Febi'i% ~91 Town Clerk The Ordinance was read in full Motion by J.A.Ze_er and 6eci:nded by G.J.Strickland,T3iat the Ordinance be read by Caption Carried Ordinance was read by Caption. }BOtion by (f .J .Strickland and seconded by J.A.Zeder that tho Ordinance be placed on its THIRD RFsADING and final passage. ~ CARRIED Ordinance placed on its Third reading. ~ "~~~, P;iotion by G.J.Striclcland .? ~,nd seconded by J.A.Zeder,That the rules be suspHnded and '=y +the Ordinance be adopted. ~ Roll Call GJ.Stri kland J.A.ZederYea A.F.E4iller Yea 'I '~aa Carried_txith desent out I Dr J.hi.Iiartley Health Gfficar of the Town addressed the Coun- cil,calling attention to the Ordinance in regards to the :sanitary condition of the Town Also asking for an Ordinance requiaeing the registeration of t~`idwtes . The matter was refused to Attorney Yeomans to draw up such an Ordinance .Complyi.ng with Dr. Hartle~as suggestions Iaotionby G.J.Strickland and second d y J.A.Zeder ~ ~~. ~ ~ That the Contracts or Leases granted to e Town relative to lying a pipe line from Town storage Tank to and under 'right of way for the purposo of transfusing Oil,be accepted -and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby instructed to signe the !same and affirm the Town Seal thereto. CARRIED The Bills for the Ensuing month were presented ,and refused Ito Finance Committee, b~ a motion of J.A.7.eder and supportedb Iby G.J.Stric'aland. motion by G.J.Strickland and seconded by !J.A.Zeder that all bills be paid as approved. '~<zt~iir-~-~~ Motion by G.J.StricY,land and seconded by J.A.Zeder that Marshall Ramsey be allowed FIFTY THR13i, DOLLARS AND NmNTY FIVE CENTS ON ACCOUNT. Roll call ~,~J.Strickland Yea J.A.Zeder Yea -fi'N- A.F.Pdiller Yea CARRIED otion by J.A.Zeder and seconded by G.J.Strickl:.nd that the Council adjourn Carried. ~~ Fresident of o-,~il ttest Town Clerk M~ 3