402-41 BE !T o~,~DA'[!~i~) By the ~y Ooumci! of the ~ity of Jolray ecblO~ 1. No aDDarat~'s or eoui-onent ~' ,,~4 lig,uifiel petro!e~l ~:as for either i].luilination, heat .... e/or power shall be ins-ha. Ilea, .ooerated or r;m].l~mnea in the ,sity of Oelray Beach, Florida, urn!ess a pex:~it for t~e ins tall'= tion thereof first be obtained from the City ~uilding Inspector. No ~ezv:~it the installation of such e~,uiorlent shall be issued by t}~e 3uildin{~ Inspector, nor shall the sane be installed, unless such e0ui}xuent and the installation thereof complies with the standards of the ~'~ ' ' ~ 3 ..... ':?ire .. ~at~on~..1 ~ of ~ ~ndeswriters, as ado-uteri for the desi:l ning, installation and construction of '~"-' COL L~ ll~eI S all,i ~ el'tillf3nt eq.,~ipment for the storing and handling of ' . ''~' ' , r~ended by the N~tional ~=re Protection ~ssociation. Section 2. Before any 2ern~it for such installation shall be issued, a ~lan of the lav-out~ of said e~,uio~.~ent~ and ruli s~:)ecif~ ,mcauzons' thereof shall be filed in writizk} %;ith the 3uii,iin{i Inspector of this City. Section 3. The occupational license for the above profession or occu'eation is hereby f~[ed at ~;25.00 per year. The holder of a genera% Building Contractor~ license, a contractors license or a plum~binf:l contr~ct.ors license shall not be reouired to pay the license tax as ~}rovided by the law. Section 4. i~er~ shall be an effective flue or outlet pipe to the outer air for the purpose of ventin{ any structure in nhich an appliance usins li%uified pet?ole%ua gas shall be inst{~iled, ¥,~ .ich a-ooliance has a denand in excess of 50,000 B. T. Tf.'s per hour. Yen'h~{' o ...... 11 hov~oveP i~e reouired where ~he applianoe has aee o~ S0~000 3. T. ~.'s or less. Section 5. There shall be a i r the issuance of a perm~it for the above described installation, which fee shall cover the installation of one device or a~?pliance. For each additional device or ao'oliance there shall be an extra fee of 25~. For each new inspection which n~aM beco~le necessary there shall be a charge of ~[)1.00. Section 6. Any person convicted of violation of any of the' provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fim_e of not mor~ than ~50'00 or by i~r~prisor~ent in the Oity jail of not ~ore than ~0 days or by both such fine and i~prisora~ent in the discretion of the municipal Court. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore passed insofar as the sa_v~e, are in conflict herewith are hereby r~:~:~ealed. i°AS,.~.~D o..n second and final reading on this the day of June, ~. D. 194.1. < ~resident City UouncS1 Attest: Approved: C~t~y Clerk