04-10-16 RegularCoi_;~.ci7. Rooms April 10 191E •The rRgular mectin~ of the Tov,~n Council was called to ;order at 7:30 P.^ with the following members present 'Pres,A.F.P,:iller G.J.Strickland H.J.terli,z? J.A.Zeder Absent ~vm 6'J.Blac'~ner Blarshal Ramsey Pr~Jsei,t, The ~~;inui±.s of the previous meeting was read and apps- owed . i,iotion by J.A.Zeder and supported by H.J.Sterling ,the ordi}-.mice to license dogs :Bras placed on 9.ts third ,reading and final passage .The ordi*lance read and followed by a r:~otion by J.A.Zeder a<~d supported by H.,T.Sterling that the ordinsa~ce be adopted as read. Roll. Call °A.F.?ii 11er Yea J.r1.Zeder Yea H.J.>t%;rling Yea CAPRIED ':Notion by H.J.Sterling and supported by J.A.Zeder the !ordinance protecting Squirrels within the Corporate Limits of the T:pv7n of Delray was placed on its thied reading 'and final passage. Tho ordinance was read amd then adopted P has read b;,r a rnd~tion made by H.J.Sterling and supported ?by J.AZeder. The revised Ordinance on sanitation was presen- fted and read in full. Aiiotion by H,.T.Sterling and suppoa 'rted by J.AZeder the ordinance on sanitatio.. was refuted to the Go-:v ittee on Ordinance,Iviotion by H.J.Sterling and supported by J.AZeder the LTarshal :eras instructed to notify parties on Dade Ave of the unsanitary codition of Closits with instructions to remedy the fault at once AN ORDINADTCE POHIBITIITG THE KILLI.TG OF SRUIRPELS l:JTTHIDi THE GORPOR."~T: LIT:iITS OF DI+,LRAY. Be it Ordainod by the Tovm Council of the Tovrn of Dalr- ay,Plorida. That anyperson vho shall I;unt .trap ,shoot maim or kilL;or attempt to maim or Y,il' an;,~ squirrel within ±he corporate limits of said Town shall be fined not morn than One Humdred Dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. " Adopted -April 10 1916 k 1~.~. I.uiller Pree. To*~ai Council ~'lpnrovad April 10 197.6 J.NT.Cr<~±t18x' --_,___ L_'ayur Postal Apri_1 13 191u FI.A.Brenna:n _ Tov;n Clark Ail OR TDTA27CI TO PRO`TIDI; FCiR TH3 LICI;STSIidG OF DOGS ARID FTXIPIG ~ ' A PEDT LTY FOR FATLURP3 TO PAY SAID LICE2TSE. Be it ordained 'hy the Town Council of the Town of Delray Blorida. Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person ~` owneing or harboring ary dog to permit said dog to run at large upon and street park or public place i.n said Town of ., Delray~~wheather said person owning or harboring such dog ;`r resides within or v;ithout the Corporate limits of said town, `t until ~-id parson has first paid a license tax of one dollar .; for male dog and two dollars for each bitch said license to `n' be due and payable immeda.ately upon the going into effect E of this ordinance,and thereafter upon the first day of Octmber of each year. Sec. 2, Any person vrho shall neglect or refuse torpay any dog license tax when due shall be fined not more than , ten dollars. ~ Adopted April 10 1916 e A.F.Iiiller Pres. To+.~rn Council Approved April ZO 1916 J.h_.Cromer :,: Posted April 1~ 1916 NI . A . Breri7i?'1 Clark A2: Grdina.nce Prohibiting the rur!ning at large of Chickens Ducks a*!d other Fowls c.as presented anc placed on its first readin;~;. ,^otien by J.A.Zede'r ax:d supported by H.J.terling the orciir_ance teas refuted tc the finance Committee. C~/~~ The Clerh was instructed to 1^rite the Bast Coast Ry Ce and call their attention! to the bad condition tf the - road at their loading track and also at the Depot C~~-c.c~ iwiotior? by H.J.Sterling ar!d supported by J.P.Zeder the Clerk v*as instructed to notify o~rvners of the Lots ad~oi- ing .`rs Bellrand Charles Reed to have their lots cleaned -c! at once The Subject of grading Atlantic Ave, ar_d draining 1 tits same was discussed at length ar!ci ther_ refuted to the €omriitte€3 of Streets and Allies. The Ordinance providing far a Str::et Tar. and refuted to Corrrnittce or_ Ordinance. .`:`oticn by H.J.St.erling and supported by Clerk be instructed to write The Farmer: and Alfeel Shepard i.n regards to placeing was tal~en up 7.A.2eder that the Bank & Trust Co iPo the` 500v0 loan oted 1°arch 14. There being but one of the b'S.nance Corr~itteo relent t!e Bi17.s for the Bonth was held over to the next egular Y'eeting. There being no further business ,motion y H.J.Sterling and supported by J.A.7..ader the Cuoncil d~ourneci. c~}' Presi' of Council ~ir: i_i Clerk