05-09-16 Adjourned RegularCouncil Rooms Ahay 9 1916 Tha Adjourned regular meetir_g of the Town Council was calldd to order ati 7..30 P.i~i. with all members present, Iviarshal Ramsey present. The minuits of the previous meeting was :!.read and accepted. A,?r Zeder Reported that the Committee ;.appointed to confur with the canning plant people was isatisfactory The consmption of water would be a small :item and They did not know wheather they would need lights or not .The committee was left stnding for further details. !VJm VJ.Blackmer Chairman on`Streets reported, that he would 'look up the matter of pipeing for the Atlantic Ave Drain jand report at the next regular meeting. It is estimated ithat it will cost. about 600.00 to put in the drain not counting the Cement for the g~tters. Ih7otion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by VJm VJ. Blaclrner 'That the Clerk write Engineer Long to come and take the,. and establish 'Trade for ~y crosain~ Or. Atlantic Ave ~~g levels on Atlantic Ave for the Draining of the same ~ Carriedv A,iotion by J.A.Zeder and supported by H.J.Sterling that the bills be refured to the Finance Common tee. Carried Aiotion by J.A.Zeder and supported by Vdm W.Blackm~E, That Commiasioneer Smith be allowed to use the City Water for the aprinkl~ng the rock on gtlantic Ave dureing the const- ucting of the same. Carried, A:iotin by H.J.Sterling and supported by J.A.Zeder that the matter of an ordinance relating to the A':arshale sal- ory be refured to Attorney Yeomans with instructinga to draw up the same. Carried A,iotion by H.JSterling and supported by J.A.Zeder that the Ordinance on Sanitation be placed on its third reading and final passage Carried. h l~iotion b J.AZeder and su y pported by H.J.Sterling that 'r the Ordinance on sanitation be adopted as read. Roll Call Nim W.Blacloirer Yea J.AZeder Yea H.J.Sterling Yea A.F.irrILLERa Motion by J.AZeder and supported by H.J.Sterling. that Ordinance relating to road tax be place on its third reading and final passage. Carried. Carried ',lotion by J.A.Zeder and supported by H.J.Sterling; That the ordinance relating to Road tax be adopted as read. Roll Ca11L l~ii iJ.B1ac1,-nxer Yea H.JSter•ling Yea J.AZeder Yoa A.F.P,iller• Yea. Carried motion. By J.A.Zeder and supported by Wm 1v.Blackmer:P,"That the Ordinance making it unlawful to allow chickens ducks and other Fowls to run at large be placed or. its Elixfea~ reading and final passage. Carried z P.POtior_ by J.AZeder and supported by PTm !".Blaclmer that the ordinance be adopted as read. Roll Call. i~Jm Pd.Blacl:mer Yea J.A.Zedcr Yea H.J.Sterling Tea A.F.i~"filler Yea. Carried Prioticr.. by J.A.Zeder and supported by 41rn FI. Blackmer That the Clerk be authorized to procure blue prints of all subdevided Blocks. Carried. ~?otion by J.A.Zeder and supported. by ?S'm L+;. Blackmer That the action of the Finance Committee in issuing Noteds l~2numbering 3::2.3.&4 Por one Thousand Dollars each fearing interest at Bf per arnsn payable semi annually and Notes payable in one two three ar~d four years. and selling the same tc Alfred Shepard for Three thousand and DTine hundred Dollars is hereby ratified and approved. Yeq} Roll Call, FJm t7 .Blackmer Yea J.A.Zeder YEA H.J.Sterling ~ A.F.l_Tiller Yea. Carried Sotion by ~.... +~ . B1aC1~'or anal supported by J.A.Zeder,That the Clerl=_ be ir_structed to pad-+ outstanding bills to the best, advantage, Carried. The follo~~rinz bills V;ere cello^*sd. ': Geo C, Butler Filing Amendn?ents to Charter Gare SsritP: i'rvelopes and Staticnery R..~ecr.;ars Galery fcr ~tprii i J.Cr.F.ax?say '"arshal ti"1.A..Brens?an Salery fcr April from Octoberto J.1~.Hartley :~alery far~April Yd.A.Brenr:an Clerk Postage The Delray Progress printing A,irendments to Charter,Less}~ar^hals b-ill far trip !;0 1:~.P.Beach forBallots ~!~/~~ ~" 2.30 10.20 10.00 g .00 60.00 6.00 2.10 66.05 165.65 There being no further busineas a motion by IrJm ti4.Blacl:mer supported by J.A.Zeder the Council adjourned. ~\~ ider~ cil A t t e s t i~~~/~H-~_ Clerk .~