06-19-16 Adjourned SpecialCouncil Rooms Jane 19 1916 The ad~ournad Spacial meeting of the Council was called to order at 7:30 8.:~. wit.. the follo~•ring members present. ~'ras H.J.Sterling J.A.7edar J.i+i.Hartla~ F.Grego ~~J~~~ . 3 .~.!~.?eder Committee on obstructions reported that he had ~~" h talk with P;~r 8nea1, *uho seamed to be agreeable to removing 'his tank back from the Streets. nia not see Plr Tenbrook but !notified t4r Baker who has the Garage rented that it would be nessary to remove the gals tank from the Street. The Chair continued the committee over for further and final sposal of the obstructions. Engineer Bradley Presented his ',report or. the estimated cost of draining the Ava,at 892.76 including his time at 30¢ per hour for overtime. [r Bradley also presentedthe estimated cost of curbing the Ave ,from the Bank corner to Rhodens Borner,or Swinton Ave. which amounted to 41317.90 with cement blocks with a mixture of 3to1.It waa considered advisable to use rock well tamped in for the present,as it was considered practical by the constructing engineers. The Chair called on the City Attor- ~ey for his opinion as to assessing the abutting property F`a H8 forming a drainage district. It was the opinion of the ',~ Attorney that the Council could form a drainage district ~,t and put on a spacial tax to meet the expense of draining `" the Av©. or pay for it out of the general fund,It was ent- irely optinal with the Council. Dr J.b?.Hartley presented tl '>: a Resolution,forming a drainage district on the North and South side of Atlantic Ave .to the depth of One Block and ~vo lots from Swinton Ave to Dade St,placing a special tax z this district for a period ofyears to cover the expense P draining the ave.The subject :gas discussed at length motion by J.3.Zeder and supported b;;* J..',"_.Hartley that he resolution be adopted. Roll call .'"_.Hartley Yea J.l~.°eder Yea F.Crego r7o H.J.Sterling ~To thsrs being no majority the motion ~das declared lost. being no further business,IlZOtion bg J.?•'_.Hartley and supported oy J.lx.7eder that the Council adjou_ra,v,~as 9arried ~•res,of the Counc' ~~ Clerk