406-41 ORDINAN¢~ NO. ~ ' FL0~.il)A, Ai~kDING 01{DII{ANCE N0. 152, AS Al_ElD.ED ~Y 0XDINANCE N0. 220, T]~ ~AidE 3EIi?(~ AN OxDiNA!.C~ R~0~0~ATiNG Tii~ ,~ALE AND DISTI'ii3UTi0N 0Y ',C,T[L~ FL'iii~[ii2IhD, PROVIDING FOR A I'm.:5 CITY 0F ~L~hkY, FLONIDA; REGU~iTiN(} Ti~ _~g'?ES OR ;sTi0N 0F LIENS FOR ~rAST Al,iD ~0il'~i.0 ~CCOUhTS; AND ~PE~LING ALL O~.0ii~2NCLS 0h rJ.~_~TS OF 0xDi!~i~CZS 1N CONFLICT Bi iT 0~:''~''''~T~'~'n BY Ti'iS 012%- "'" ,-:n-? '~I~ 0F S~.~r~n~: 1. That S ~' .... ~ ' ~.~ ..... ecozon 8 of an ordinance the sale and distribution of mater furnished, :~ovmumn~. for a malntenanc~ and servmce char~.~e for service rendered to or,acrs "'' ~ Florida; re~;ulating and cons~uers by the olty of De!ray Je~,c**, the rates therefor, and re~'ul.?t'._ ~n~i~, the ~anner in which ~,~ater connections and ;~eters shall be furnished ~ ~ . tuna providmng penalties fo' violation thereof; creation o.. liens for past and uunpaid accounts; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances ...... 1925 be and the sa~-~e in conflict her~wlt~ passed on oeooeumer ES, , is hereby ~enaed to read as follows: ~=~==~,~ S. That t'ne minim~ size meters to be used at the residence or vlace of business of the ~ter customers of the City of Delray Beach shall be as follows: ~-~ "~ieter - users having 6 fixtures or less 1 "5~eter users having from '? to i% -~'~-~.~-~ .... a,-, both inclusive 1-?' Meter - users having 15 to %~ fixtures, both inclusive For users having more than %S fixtures the size meter to be deter:-~in~d by the City '/~ater ~cpartment For the lar~:.:er sized tap uae .cha~ges shall be for all maoermal and labor, includi~¥s street and sidewalk repairs, necessary to con~lete the ~:.~ork, and the Uater Depar ~s_t shall make an estimate of all costs of said labor and ~uaterial, and repairs for the job, and shall reouire of the applicant, before the work is started, a deposit in that s~, plus 1~ as a f.~uarantee of pa~uent. Tappinc charges to contractors and other ~ersons requiring water for te~uporarM use only, shall be charged to cover labor in ins~ailmn~.; aha re,_:,o~.,~ai a~;d for equ-~p~:rcnv a~;~:7~a~ ed ~,~,i~m±e on the job; and a r~aso~able deposit sha~l be ~ade to cover such la0or, and da:.~a, e in add~tion to tJ~e d~posit insuring pa~:~ent i'or Fire Hydrants shall not be used for obta~nin~; rearer under anv,~ czz~cu::~s~-~ce,~, e:~ceot by co~se:~t of the Fire Chief, and under ment under the dlreoi,~on of uhe ~zz~uz of ~re~ ~Zn case fkre hMdrants are used for obtamnin~: ~ater, a ~5.00 deposkt shall be reauired a.~:a a o~az~se of ~2 Oo shu!l be .,,ade for each Ail water shall ~-:~s ?:tebered anc~ a c~'~arge of 2Oc per thousa~d ~allons shall be made for all vm-~er cons~zed. The mzni::~:~ ,daily charO~o for ~,mter fro:.~ such hydrants shall be 5o~." sale a;;d d&strk~outzon of ..vater furnished, pzovi.:kmnL; for a and service charce for servzce rendered to ov~:~ers and consumers by the City of ~elre~ Beach Florida; re. u!a'bm~'~ the rates t[.ereL'or, al~d re.:'~'ti~;~ .... the :~,n~'~er in which u,~%er conz~ec-bio]us and t.~e-cers shall be furnmshed and orov~,. , ...... ,~ .... _ -'~ '~ ..,~.~zu~es for violation thereof; creation of liens lot '~mst and unoaid accounts; and rcpeelin'.; all or parts of oyalnoIices in conl'Zlc'b here'wmth, passed on OeDtei.'.oeT 1~25, as m;enaed by ordmnance 22U oassed on July 11, 1~3~, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: omC~=0~: 4. A ~uarantee o~ 'ca~,mnt deposzt for ali s~aii .;o ::.~ade by each consu:'ter or o~.~zer, varying aocoL-dkn~ to the size of the e'- ~.~ ~e~ in uso, as follows: : "[deter " Whenever in any r~:onth the wa'uer bill of any a:t:ounts to as jreat or~.~:'.':'~a-oer sm:~ thazz the ai.;oazzt of his deposit he shall be re(~uired to ~m:':e a deposzt in aou,.~le the a:_:ouz-rb of such SECTION 3. All ord'~l~ances or ~oar'ts of ord~lances, znsofar as the s~.e are inoon_~.£~c~ harov~mth, are t~ereby r~pealed. F~oo.~D by the City. Council on second and ~ ~mn~l° reaa~ng, on thzs the b ~i.~ day Pres-,dent of the Uity Co~:r~cil Attest: Approved: City cler~ ~'~ - i~ayor