07-24-16 RegularCouncil Rooms July 24 191E The Regular 1"eeting of the Torn Council t~ras called to order at 7:45 and the following members answered to relXcall. Pres N_.J.Sterlirg J.A.Zeder G.+~.Harvell and F.Crego . Dr Hartley came in later ,Biarshal Harvell present liinutes of the previous Lleeting ~~*as read and approved. Engineer Bradley addressed the Council in referarcato tp~laing the, water main on Atlantic Ave. It ryas desided to ';make eors ections or. the line between every other lot so that the one connection could supply two lots. - Sriotion by ~.®.~eder and supported byF Grego ,that Hir Bradley phone the Light Plant at Lake V~orth and hire their their tapping t"_avhien if suitable arran~oments could be made if not to purchase a upping lriachien at once. Roll Call J.L+..Zeder Yea G.l'~.Harvall Yea F.Crego Yea H.J.Sterling Yea Carried Communication frog the Delray Bank Notifying the Council that the Note ~fJ.h!.iflalkers foE?h15F'.2B sold to the Bank eras due . 1~"otion by J.A.Zedar and supported b~~ F Grego that the Communication be laid or. the Table. Carried ivlotion by J.A7,ad.er and supported by F . Grego that the place two City Engineers concrete posts dust east of the rightof way on Atlantic Ave, for the purpose of establishing a grade for theFP~.C. Ry at that Crossing. Carried 1~_otion by F Grego and supported by G.4?.Harvell that the Clerk ahd H.J.Sterling act as a Committee of two to revise the Poll Book. Carried P.iotion by F Grego and supported by J.A.Ze~3er ,that the Clerk post Notices that the Council will sit as an ~qu~,liza- tion Board Rugust 24 In the Afternoon. Carried l ~:iotior. by F.Oregoard supported by J.A.Zeder ,that the appoi~- tment of Earl Earvoll a.s City larshal:by the i~iayor is appro- fed. Carried. i ~?otion by F.Crego and supported by G<14.Harvel.7. ,that the ity Attorney R.S.Yeomans be instructed to take such proce- or necessary inps that he may see fit~to collsct from Allen i`c P?eilly his Bondmman tho mount of his shortage due the Tovm f Delray. Carried otion b~:% F. Ccrego and supported be J.A.Zeder that l~r T.1'i--. veal and nor F. Tenbrook be instructed remove their Gas arks from the Streets .,back onto private property . by J.A.Zeder and supported by F.Crego that the Clerkb instructed to nott4fy lair C.t~±.Dodd. that the City Could ~t use the water pipe in Osceola Park. Carried he sanitary question was taken up and discussed at length nd it was deaided that the Council act as a committee of he whole to improve the Sanitary conditions of the city. otion by J.A.Zeder and supported by G.l'~r.Harvell, that the lerk be instructed to write the County Commissionera,that ur car of Tiling Ives delayed on the P?orthern Roads on the of floods,and to extend our time for putting doom drain pipes if possible. Carried being no further business a motion to ad~ourn,Ca,rried ?ttest