07-28-16 Adjourned RegularCour_cil :.ocr;:• Ju1.* 23 191E
Tl,.o adjcurre' s~'_.1 r Iu^+ir.~ ..zs cal]^d t^ cr~~=r at 7: 'C
i .i. ;.. i. _. i. y_. +Y„. fc.ll~.: _I.L; l,i~;;bi;r:i px'eeart.~'~";R fT.?.~.. :•11v1R
nn ".i:.:xCat iC fr:~_.. ...i ._!aul .'°1'~t1.°.':i +~.__.. uv~` 6_° ~ qua
.o'__ .'itl", ce ~ f ~._..., wl'r:. ..~ __r~,d'~.'.A~ ~ _.nd placed
o~: file
f90 o1 ~_. .,~ .._ ..1 ~ ±1.:.~ .;lwppcr tE'~. Dy ~..:: _._, :'^ t~a~ thv
~. C'w._cll Iii a'.'rC- =ft';; appOix".tltdr.~ of it"r Harwell -11^. •::.til'_'"lU~~
J ai'_^i.:U
Th: O'rdina,nc;~ prov:idi_^.gfor• t?~=~ fili~~ of T31u_^ frir_ts with
lerk r.`aS tC1~i' (' ;,p ._ .~ ~. Jit IJ ~T 1'' o v_^°p;0 and. r" ~
_ _7)??CY't9C_ b7
J.i'.Hart]_gy that ~?^~ ordi~~:zl~cc; ,3c -~la f-~Y olw _t~~ t'~:ird read-
. Yea
ink ~:.IZd. final pa~ss.ge. Rnl]. Call J.,"~, ,.7.~-~ v.,a J. ...Hartlgz~
G.l~'.Harve].1 Yea F.Crego Yea H.J.Sterling Yea. Carried.
The Ordinance '..^ras read in full '
,'otionby J..~.fia_rtley and supp~'~p
orted by J.A.eder that, the Ordinance be adopted as read
i2o11 Call J.A.7.ed~:i' Yea J.,:.Har'+,ley YeaG.P~`.Harvell Yea F.Crs~
H.J.Sterling Yea Carried._ 1
The Natter of draining fitlantic rive Baas then ta''en up and ,~
a notion by J._i.?~rler and supported byF.Cr^go that the
Council put '9_n a Tile drain Poirt of beginin~ rest of forty
Stand runnttx.g Post or. atlaraic Awe to Dade' St, Roll Call
J.A.7ede;,- Pea J. .'a~'iaey Yea Cr."J.Harve]_1 Y.'^. :'o'~j•^vj PAa
FI.J.Sterli.r, Yea._ Ca-°-°i2a
The subject of Finaxlce eras taken up Hr Hartley read a pot-
ion of the Tot,:: Cha.r•ter relative to the drainage a r::^solution
ryas also presented by Dr Hartley •rrhich c~as discussed. b~~ the
members of the Council,a`~d it 'ras decided to strike out that
portion from Dade t, to th.e Canal.
- ~ ~ .. _
'U ~1 ;i.-: By ~. i. ~-"cl ;1_i`:-- oU.jih Or'l.~r C~:' 'ei•..H=:i"i.l~y L'lij i. i;t_~,
Irv. 7.t j~ ti i. i. C1Y`Yi: j' di ~.,. 'uj~ Y.;[i '.'Y"dlYla,c1C2 -"~wLy3^:~ tP° vUi'r2C%1 U11
jacl.l ~a.ll. .*.~,. =!it ,^ y;=,a *.'i.H~r'.1~~...ea G. ~*~,xvell Y~~,
ry."0 ~wi.
I!'.'ii:. _, ~J ;1TU How .~i': •S 7"'12~1~ ~'rU _1U ~1•'Ji1 J^rI'1 E3d
;otlor ,,;, ,".~.,~d.=.. 2nd ::u;por~1 br J.`.Ha,r*l~;y~ -.nit tn^
~1c.u 3 0
vOl-LT).C11 c7,''1~GlaY"_": ~GG TPVY'1C~d.3~..2V21^.J. *., ~.^r~: ~~ r _ o li :C~.'.~_