01-25-15 RegularP.elr=',y', l~'lorida, Ja.nu~r~r, 2F.th 116.
Ti.e re,et..la.r mcetin~ o~ the Cit'; C~:ur;cil v!aer: held on th^
abive d. ~ anc~ ~rrr,: cr+lled to orde_~ at i3, 0. Cloc_ by
president of Cetu~c i I, s?t:~ ~i .BlwcK+-per.
Ro11 call shc'rsed tl~e. fello'•;i~iP; r.,,arnber~~ present.
t7m.'r'=.Bl_~ckr.=.er. L.i~.Bradshaw. i7..,.Be11. J.,=:.Ca:aon Jr.
Thy ~r.inut ;> of tl.e lc,.-t r;eet rrrc ;sere read and ~pprovec.
a:' reu.d .
., ce7°au.icatior. fror_ t~.e. Sde?,ttun~ ..otre Co, ~•a.; t': ~n red,,-~
by the Clerk.
A mot _cr _is m :.de by Lr„r Boll °nd- seconded by Sir Brac~shaer
tl:~.t the orderin~e of the iwetre tiones~, be left to the Chairman
of the ~°9.ter ~ Li~lLt Comr:;tt.ie.
~?. cerrunicaton from t;le '=urel;a Fire Bose Aif~r Co, i^as
re: ;d- stat:.in~ t.h.~.t ii' the Vi±.y did rot have Ftulds suf:Cicr~nt
to pay tho bill of ~~16P6.HI~ that the City sl?ould isc.ue
an Interest boarin~- rarre~nt for tYte ,above amount to be
p ~.;rc-.ble Sep, C~Oti. 1515. vri tip. interest at 6`'.
A notion saq made by l.r Br~~~ hac; a.nd seconded by dr B11
tho.t the clergy bc~ inw,truct~::d to alssue ~ s"",..rrexxt ~~ the
Eurei;a Fire Bose r-.°c~, Co For 'si6:?C.On c~_id .-_~rrent to beer
interest atit 8`"~.
i?r Eel1 r!ad a m,::~tion ai-:~ ssas second-o d. by ~.:r Bradshac'?.
that tbs City Clerk be ir_~tructed to ].oolr all parties
that siaould. pa.j~ an Ocup~tion 'l ~x, and see that -the same
rr~3„v p id.
p1r Bell then ~~dar.~s!;ed the council and stated that
hAi:~:2~3a_ there had been a number of corpla.ins about Yxorses
mules and other _.nireels heir r 1-sit standinn; on the streets
s,ithout beinFm hi tched and. wanted to lmo'r if there :nr:.s .^n
ordinance ~overnin~ thi;;, rand rcauested if there ryas such
an ordin;azce that it be inforceci.
A lett+,r •'a; tsn read from the I? :tior.!,1 E:~-,k of
Comr^erce in r~~fferonce to payinm the Coupons on the City
i.!x Br~.dsra,r cane ~. riction and ~¢as :ecord.ed b,~ 3 r Bell
that the Clerk "vJrir~ the Nation::^.l b .rk of Cor"~-~erce that
in ref 'e •ence to their letter of the 15th tY-o.t t2~at the
City ~r;ould pay the interest but the J.B.,<~cCr-~r~;r co, aaould
have to p.y tl;e Collecting; fee.
Cz.rried .
'„ r..ot~ n made by ~r Br '..de' ""•. and. secondod by ;~r Boll that
t'iat t?~e ~+.ctiot of t~~ C1t~ Council in S =uinp taro ~',~
rrente to tx.. 'i veer B ~ ~ n ,.lai r3,,.~oh one for :SOOyCO
Pue fiplil 1st 115 and On "ue ~`uly Lit 191b, f~~r payr.-e~t
of irxterest or. t_e C;.tsr ; o ,ds b~; a~_d ~ ^ },:ereb?T r'°.t fied.
C:;tirri~d .
'Che ctterot' p:~,rt es buying g;oo,;s on tl~e °i ty' Cr:: dit
t~ er_ brought np by J r?.Cason Jr. ~n~l ,7:;,.s d.iscu sed by
mt~~nbers of Council, ?'r ball :'t~ tod that he had had a number .~
of cow-pl>.ints about Hat~lt.°'r and r.ac Yleilly buying C,oods on -
the Citys Credit ar:d p;~.,xing for thet7 !rit.h the City's moneys
}gym °~.B1acl~Lrer stated th~..t ho had t!r• i:.e compl ands made
to trim.
~, ~xrt' oz vr:xs then rr=tide by J b Ca _ on and secor_ded by
bin Bc11 that the Hart?:= orcierin; ~;ooQs fr•or.~ the B~~.i.ly Elec
trica.l suply co be instructed to p:y 11 bills due. the
Baily Co ~~t once or the p<art;r ord:ring s._.r!e s':ould- be
pre~~icut.ed to the full exte:~t of the larv. for obtaining;
goods z~~lcar• fxxlse pretence.
3"otion E,y J.R.Ca:-ion .7r• and seconded by 'If.l?..Bel.l that
meetin±~ I~djeurn.
6~ppro~ed_ this the ~ ,~-~, , dayv o~ ~-~.~ tr.17. 115.
Chwu•m:---.=.n of City Council
City 01er1;.
~ i
L~:ayor .