02-01-15,~ A a Delray, Florida , Feb, lest 1.81. a ca7.led meeting, of the City Oo~~ncil :~rr~.:; held. on tl.e above a.te an3 •rra c llec_ to or;ha at F:45. c.i by President ,,,, ~ .Bl.ck^:er . Follo,^?mnr, me*!~be~^., nres~nt. s ~.;~ C~: ~~_.,.Blaclcr;er, ~~.i.?cRae, J.~_.Cason Jr, a'._..Bell. and '~'~ L.H.Bra11:~-,. "~~ br Blackt^er tl•,en c~tated t:Y;e ob jest of the ire eting which lra:~ for t.u epurnose of conferring ti>ith 1°~r Snith =attorney for tYe r.~_!.C. R.R.. in refference to t ? 1<~~=in^ cf r: ,ter z~~iYis or_~ tY_e Comp ~.nys rigYrt-of-dray in delr:~y. 1?.r .,r,.ith stied that the a~xeement :submitted '=via tY~_e sr .e ae had b°«n us°d ir. cares of this li9.nr. :;.nd all that t f. cc::ir- ny ~r~:ntea ti° ~ on=ethin~ to m _ke tht: town c<?.roftal oi' their ';:'ester lines in order that t?~ere 4aould_ be no d-:.rt~:r• fro± them. rotion ?asa t' n r°_r!.c'e n« J.ii.Caon Jr, acrd seconded by t t'r Bra aho.~r, twat the .~ayor ~snd Clerh, be instructed to execute the ~~r;rec;rient sub^~itted by the F.T?.C.Bwil Road.. i_i reefer ~;ce to 1<?.yint, the cite ~°rater pipes on the coapny right-of -*,•ray. Carried. T1-~e aueat~ on^_ o_' t}~,e pr<:per place to °t tiie ~~.t:e'r j etres was then broug ?t up a,nd d: .cur ,ed, of to ^;hic•. a motion rras .Wade bJ, J.i.Cason, and seconded by ..;?.Bell thta the metre: be. ~_nst°.1Led >rliereovor tY_~re i,^ tl^,roc or r:ore openings, a;ad_ not con.pul.^ory ~7hore tl.ore .zre two or leas openings providi_n` that-t~~is does got apply to Drug Stores Rcc;taur~Nnta, Hotels, 8e 1:ct, whore motrea Eri11 be required. the torn reserve°~a the right to put in r°:etres „~herever ,~ vrater is bein€; used extra.va.gant, further that, the 1:=etres curb cocks and 1--et:re ~oxos be se±. ~,t the proper:°ty line Carried. Th^; r.:atter of the Bank cahi.n,^ in interest bcarir,m nr~~rrenta ~,v,:;s, brow;l.t up _~nd d ~_scus-ed, ~~ mot_~_c1 ~ _. 70 ~bv J.R.CasonJr a;.d secondec._ by i',r Bell tt-z:.t tiie :resident of Council confer With =:x Troup ar,d to m,~1,e ar~,ngamants z~rith the bank •as to tine cashing of ,=rarrents . C_~rried J there beinm no further busir_ess m ^t~r` ?.?.j~~.zrned. q -- --= =- -v=- ~ _- ~ - -----_----- ires~ide?a of council :attest _-_ ~_ Clorlc ~~ '; _`~