02-08-15 Regular =J 3 ~` elra~= I'loric':.a, Pei;. Ath 7.C1. The rez;ul~r r^eetir_~, of tLe Cite Cotaneil '~a~• held en the above date and t=ress called to order by President of Council '~` . ? Eiachacr, TI~e -roll c~~.ll shoreel t~`_e follotrin^ ~`:e~,bers present ~iY.i. '.Y. Blac'~-rr~er, J. R. Cason Jr., :':. _, Bell, ar:d L. H. firac~~i,:.at=r. The m_irutes of tl:e last regular and special r,eetin~;s mere react ane approved. 4'P~o Clorlr then read the bills for the i'onth of ,Ian. :'. J. Cathc~.rt -;,ar; ]Delray Li~l_t ~>; Fuel Co., 4~.7.; ~ .. Ca~aeron P~ Larl_leg Co., ",4.5 FOr ;ter = ri.ntin~ Co ., ° .00 ^~ <'i. P'. ::.filler' 1.00 C . .:_ . cTntosh 50 .CC .h ~i. ~-aet?eill;- 6.54 ~ t- ," 4, _.. Eell ,. .00 r :`otior. by i'r. bradsh~avr, sccended b~' I_r. bell ti':at tine bills b•e ref erred. to tI?.e finance cerr~*^ittee Carried ~:oved by ?'r. Be11 ,secendeci by "r. Eradshavr that the bills be reporter! bacL frcn finance ecr~x^itteo. Carried, Motion by :'r. Cason, seconded by_"~. Ee11 t'~^t the ~~..., Cler'_t be authorized to isc;ue ';arrantr to cover Bills approved. by the Finance Co~r~r~ittee. Carried ` A peti~i.on t:'as :~rese?;ted b~' F'resicent Elac';i'"-er which '.vas roc©ived throu~ch the nail and ;vas ci ;red by C. }'. I."clntosh and others, asltinL; that [i. i'acr'ei11y be rer,~oved frog! the office of City C1er1~~. a.otion b~. 1;r. Cron, seconded by ;:r. Bradshaw that if pos.,ibl°. to ascertain to crizor.~, t}; s petition, be2on~s to have it returned,t~rith instructions that if ;t isa~~ the desire of petitioners to have an officer rer!oved it Brill be necessary to Lave petition drawn up ii: accordance with section 73 of the Charter of the Town of ~elra~r. Carried. `!'here being no further business Council ad.~ourneci. ~ ~ ,~ ~;~ _ J~L ~ t' President of Council. Attest: City Clerk. F a