02-22-15 Regular _'e].r°•- rlcric~... I'eb. ~,lr;l~ . Tile re ^:Ular Y`.i. E~{: L7~'; O" tl"_E ~ 0'=~Yi 1.0U_nCll P:'&3 Callc^::i t0 Or~'~E'r C% tl'_e abCi~i C-C Cl ~^,,.te at ei~;i`t i~. _... by r'1'c Sly'-E'.nt °(d• zf. ,~13C'_+.i"'. C-Y'. T'I1Cr`.', 1J E',in~" n0 C7uOru?". ±.h ^'E'. E', j;lnt. iYt?, ad jGt2'n.E;d t0 >'.c.e+~ l~E:b. ', `~. }'y_!, 7•^.r }:: ~.• S:lelra~,T ,P1cri.da, r.°b. ,1?lF. F ~y'-n i, ~i i ra~^ n +''~n ~ 1 Rag lc., a~-~C aY'..6:1 ,. ,Ul ar :"6'i'.ti__n; O' C1L~S COL'~T1C 1 held_ c ~ tine abo~>e ~~ tit wY~~+ .~Ta~ c~.lle~l. t^ oY•c_~r «t ~a;i~ = ,`. b lrosic?Prt ~.. ~. Blee.;,,er. ~l'I^iE% roll Call .`>liot3°Ct tl'C, fOl1C'r 1, t~~' 7'..HI',')E;T J ?~re~_E:nt• ;;:`. ~lac'-r.or, :'. Bell, L.. II. i>ra`,ha~.°r, J. ~;. Cason,Jr 'i'iae r:ir~ute.; oti the last r.eetinn were read a.nd approved. Ccr;i;:rnica.ticn frori trn ,est~rr. Union 7.'sle^;rap?J Co. r:as rear'., reg. x~i.r.~, ue of ~'el.er;rap?~ pole fir ;>±reet 1 i r;ht . i ovec?. ai,' ti+ecordetl that. ti-~e Clerlr x^rite the Company that tl,:e light wras placed tl=ore 'or the accosm~~.o~~_ation of patrons of the Telo~;raph and Railroad Coapanies and that vre do not feel that it is just to charr;e the toiv*~ for the use oz same when the toarn is furnishin_r, the current froe. Clerk i:; instructed. to write tr_e Standard Cil Cc. asking for correction of clar~;e of 13y per rallor. for distillate oil. Letter; rea^ from the 1',ela Verb^;re 1.".achine Co. re~ardin~ the.blov:~ torch sE;nt Por repairs and from the Gibbs Corxpany~"re~;ardin~ payments on '`:mine. J. C. Brov?n presents boll far labor oY1 cut-iYi wore for 2,~5 for 59.64 and asks that same be paid.. Discussion a:., to reasonable char~:e for labor. lotion by T. R. Cason Jr. , seccnded by 1`r. Bell that a warrant be dray°rn for "'89.67 and interest, actual r,~oYYey paid out by <:r, Brown and that tl~.e -'resident of Council tame up the matter with the J. B. :.icCrary Co. reFardinr the cL~arr3e of ~-:' 1~2~! per hour for Bro.sn's time. C ~1Ri? I Ill . 3-otion by lr. Bell, seconded by lr. Bradshatz, that the action taken by ltr. Cason and l~r. Blackr~.er in award ~~~ contract for the installation of fuel eil tank to I°aul Datsson, as per proposition filed with the Toxvn Clerlc, be ratified and that v.'arrants to the ar.!ount of :',`^00.00 for one year with interest at 7°>, be drawn in patrment of same upon coY~pletion of same and acceptance. CARRS~D. Jbd. Stephan addres.ed the Board re~;ardin~; the exten- sion of the water line tlsou~h colored town and Mates that he can secure ^5 or .'"0 consumers if lire is extended. Board agreed to extend sane if sufficient cons~.zi°_eass can be secured to make it a pa~fin~; proposition, not less than 2,5 users, ar_d trat work be given to ";d. Stephan. laresident read a petition. from ^5 or more qualified voters asking; that cot.r_ci1 take le~^al steps to remove 3`r. a. ~"acPieill~r 0 7 r y fro;r. t;~e office of Town Clerk, document sworn t.o by C. _~. MicTntosh and J. J. Sisrrons, FranY, Crero, i?otary ~'ublic. Resolved, That o4rin~ to the fact that the petition recently presented to the To~~n Council asking for the recall of To~xn Clerk l~[acP?eill~r has been again presented to tre Council anti in such shape thatit will be necessary for that body to take action on the mater, it. is moved and secondec~_ that tl~e Toe~n Council of ;Delray, Florida, asl: Torn C1©rk i:'acIlTeilly for his resi~nat9_on. Same to tale effect at once. Re11 call for Ballot: ". Bell yea L. H. Bracl:;l-.ai; ~~ea J. R. Cason Jr. yea iim. 'i . Blackmer yea CE~IiRIL'T; . l%oved and 5ecended that. we adjourn. CARIi T_ r:13 . ,~ 2~resici.ent of Council Attest: Town Clerk. `r," ?[t'