03-22-15 RegularJ
Delray, rlorida I:arci,
'Phe re ule~r _-~eetin~ of the 0it~r Cocr7cil ;rr~.s held on the
abo~*e d?.te and rra,:; called t,~> r~_er at 8, O,Cloch by pre s"
m,",i .Blac;~mer.
'_1017. c_~,11 ehoeed t7~e follo~rrinr mAmb;~eis pre^ent J.R.Casn
'i .`c 1?ae, L.i.Brr~.d:ti'_a~s, ~.. .Bl~ekr•er.
'J.' E' I?!i7"t~:i <%f tP1e preV7_Ci..': mc'o+177,^' t'~~.W~+t!:.C'":~~ re.-~.il and (].U1=~r
ovc~. a road.
~', comtulaCatior: from the F.: '".R.F;. ,;,,s rc>ad repuestin*,-
a copy of a. resolution autl~®rizinr the Cl orI-r and ila~ror
to execute a contract pert z,ini.n~-• to the :,trec''.in~- of
Pilectr~.c hi=;;ra z~•ires ac.ros:; tl?e comp z,y~ ri;~ht-o?'- gray
!1 motion sr. c: made bye J.R.Cason Jr ar_d seccnzdec' ?!'r
Bradsha ~ tha:t the Clor1: °. ^yor be aut ~ r~lse---~ to eaecut~a
the above; mentier_ contract.
' Carried.
t`i 1P,ttP,r iYB,g a130 read from t'1e ~'101'1Cl.a ~;.lectr'i.c v0, 1n
refforence to ~t bi11 for od.55i ~,ahich ~tras six months p•7.st
clue .
I:Iot:ion by i"_° Bra~dn.aer and secend.e 1- b,y r?r .Pc R:~.. that
r_~eotin~ ~=.djonrn ~. nti11 iiednesday rag,7tt i.larch 2~4t;~ at
7c:~C carries..
Delray, b'lerid.a ;.Parch 24th 1:?1F.
The a.djnurne~_~ me°..tin~ of the C.t~T Cotvncil 'r_,s held on the
above date, a~~~ ~~::.: culled to order ~~t B:C~~ O.Clock by
prer,ident rfm."Is.B1acl~mer.
Roll call sP;ozred t1=e follotrinF; r.~erir~cr, prc;sent'i
J.P.Cason Jr, T.._.'Pc i2ae, L.i-i.Bradsha. ,:~; .'s.B1ac'_,r~ner,
;~ .'; .Bell .
~ 1?-r Bradley +,p,"n ~r.ddre~sed tho council in reference
to the li_,^;htin~•- ir_ the Colored section o!" the Teb=rn ~.nd sta
that, it .+ould cost about 20C.CC to continue t'he line.
after diacus lnT the mater mr ~r~;:P7.ey .... >__~c,tructed"
to cornact up the one.: that. could be re~.ched at the r~rc=~:--^n
.. comtznica.ti.on from the Da L~=,Ver^ne in • i.ne Co in reffe:
to ~. note for "`-2CO.C0 due :,nril 1st ;•ras re-zd by the C1~^rk
and ord°red filed. •
?1 motion a.- then r~:a.de b~• J.R.Ca:*•on Jr and .,econded by
iPir Bell t2zat t2e pracisent of Council aLro i!ir i`c ??.ae, •arit
i`. C1~G0 ':~ ^1bb5 ~r i ('i'1 C;:'..',:1Ce t0 ~~ii~~l.r l'C'_"itr~.:,.Ct T,~i tl1 t}1G D3La
Vergne _:~,chine Co.
om,e matter oz the City Cl°r'~ ;:'as then +-~~°n. up and ~,iUcu:,,~
1~~ metier ~~~:s jade b~`I J ;?.Cason ,:d second' h;~ }r Bell tl.~.t
Cotneil reco~~•i^.cQ.~the addoptio~~ o£ the
.~iilu.es of march
~tl: ,~ '
Q ,','oti o~7 by 1,'r Cason and seco*lc~ed 1~~, 4.-'r Bell t.1.~rN+, tl_e r;o~d
dot" be ~naer~ -~? betn;een r i~i.wtion zn ~o1r ~;
~-^nt ~.r~ t ~ r< <3 as follo~.~, r.,~z leu of i i~°rd ignr~
n not
oein- p , ~,~~,) bciore t?.e Council ~~ the next ul~i r_e•°tir^
"a,rcki "%'nd, it vri11 be ne:-~,sarg I'or t~:~.e Coa?oil. tc !,ak_e
sucr~ ~;ctiei; a~^in_}t 1_i r„ or_ the char~-e prePer~ed.
~ '":cued b~ 1Lr Ca:~.on Lnd seconded by is• Bell +i, ~±. tale ^i?tuts
Abe aprroved. as corrected.
~ _ _. { ,. r .. .. :•.1 „ .. e. .:. ., 0 , .. Vie. r
T:n~ren r~J °r Caor~ ,end seconded byP:ir 3rsr,;;h ~ t},a the f
petition~~~e returned to the ~.uther of it v;ith in:aructi.osiU
to not ~ i_n proper shape a ~~eo-_~ll
Cax ~io?~.
'„'o±,ion by i`s Brad:;harr ,.^c,^,onded btr i r Ca o:1 :.`eetin^;
z~djourn, ,~
C rrrie~
~ ~~
. ~~ p
°r:; ~_idcnt of Cotu!ci 1
Attest ''E
? '',