06-17-15 Adjourned~ Jul_e !'7~L. l~~la. I I ~c,~ourned . eetin; o' the rior,i Council called to Dreier at ~a~ht o' caocir F. .-. ~ "rem 1~_c' __,er, Where boin~ no ~'uorura present the .^..eatin~ ~.~~,s adjourned until Londa~r, June ~lst. at sever. thirtJ ... _ . a President, '_"o:m Uouncil. i June ~lst. 191:;. i i D R ~sdjourlled :aeetin~ o=' the To~~:.n Council ~calle~i to order z t ~e~*eil thin;;- F. is=. by. fires. F,l~,_c"1:iar r.~i'th t'ne 'folloc~9n^. p-reseiit; L. H. Bradsllac:•, J. __. C~ •on <7r. T. . . c -e,vH. J. Nte-rling ~:nd '.~;Li. `.;, 31ac'rr:ier.' '' "muted oi' adjourned i.eetin;s o~ Jnne 5th. and 7t1}. ,_ ~d the special meetin_; of June 9th. 1-e_e read and ajproved. T_s. T:cRae, as chairrc~n of the orc_in~.nce co.~;ittee, presents an ordinanca re~arax~~:° i-'_le re~isterin~ oi''irtlls ~.ld tleatils and Loves it be placed on '.t first x°e«din; b`; '~itle orl~~. ::_otion seconded b;:~ ~ _ _ d hit, ._. c~.-rrie'_. " `.' OFDI TA'T' iPOVIDI~`^ `~'- - , _. _: _.~IOSi C : 3IRC:i' ~iJ Dv~. ~a ..-'J " ~ LF?Ii;^ 0:: ~~U _.' Gam'. __ .~-, "' "• ::.'L~RTI'i^-. GT' yI'-~.. c.: _ n1 n~ ._'i ~ - ~ ~r r•,:r ~.r~. :ESi;RI31 _ ~_r1;.1L'!I_}~ -Vi ll~h__~`IC=. .,1 ~..~Lu _~I_, ~.vi- -ovar.. and seconded_ ~;"lat the ordinance be re~erred to c:he dinance cel_~raittee. Carried. l!rdinanCe CO: Littae i'aj]O%'t8 :~t74'Ora1J l:; 3i1d raC`JI_~lanC-.S 1118 assage of the ordinance. :btioii J. Gaon, seconded b,- .. LlcRae, that the rules be sus~enc.ed cinCl the ordinance be laced on its second res_ di~l~ and =if l passive. Carried. " 1~ ordinance rovidin~• 1`o'r the r r*~ ~' s' p ~ e~_J.ration of birti]s nd deaths and the 1<eeliin~; o~ .-,-Toler records theraof ~ nci the epartin~; o.° the ~•alae to the S'cate 3oard oi' i;ealth, ild the resc~'ibing l.enalti:;s _br viol:~tions oz duties herein l;rov- ded iil eonnectien therevrith. De it ordained b;,r the , a.~or snd ~o~=in Council oi' the .'o,:;n f ~elra~,, lorida. Sec. 1 That the Town Clem shell 'e the local re~~s- rHr o~ vital statistics, a.nd it shall be his d_ut~; to supply o all p~JSicians, raidvrives, tzn~°_ertal_ers ~nd others recttir- n they. for use, blr.ni~ carti~icates ib-r ti]c r-e~istrc~tion oi' firths and deaths, '„hick sh=1i b~ ;;ha st~uidar c_ `orl_~ u;~;_ ov,~ d ;, the State Bos'rd of Z~ealth, a.ilfi to reee-we e:]d i:.:_i_e coves i uuch certisicates, end tr,^.nsr.;it tl•~ '~Y'i"ili~;ls ~o tYlB Mute oard of =ealth on the tent~l (10~~11 da-, o each ;orth, ;_nd. ;.o ssue burial, reL,ov~ l or other Perr.:its u~ on recaipt o~' conp- etc, satisfactory <:nd y,roperll- executed certi~ic:tes of ~~' ueath, 411c1 no dead body of ~, hvi .z be].ng waose de~tn occurs, S or vrhose bon is _~'ound, ].n thl ^o~,=,m shy:11 oe inte~]ed, Othctt~lEe d1 S~20Sed Of , t e ileVeCl 11 OY11 the TO -11, OZ' rAl? :1 J~ E: tha_~ seventy two {72) hours after death, •,-,~lthout ~, ouri?1, -rer_ov~:_1 o-r otherr ueriiiit issued b~; tha To, n Cler?: in r;dv~•a~ce gr; A internment, other disposi'cion, o-r removal. ~eC. 2 T'$2t it Sha l1 be the duty O'`' the A1ldert~ '-..er 0] I~person acting as such to obtain the certifice=te of death, her ].t filled out ~>rith respect to the ie=°sonal p,~rticulars, res• ent it to the attending phtrsiciazi fn-= the z~edical eerti_~e~.tc !of cause of death, and OUtr_, in file uii-rira, .-einoV21 or other perlcit froze the Torr Clerk; r'C~;`I;E. _tliat y;han there r;as no attendin ° physician, the c~rtz"ic~.te s'sall '~e re~erreu tJ tha health officer or coroner "`or st.teinent of c.h e of "eu a~ 4 Sec. 3. That i"t snail ~~e t'n=~ dut*,I of the physician, !midwife, or person actin' cs minc:ife, attending case of :confinement in this Town to f11e ~: complete, uatisf~:ctory ~ land properly executed certi_''ic<:te of birth pith the Tolm Cle] ;within three (3) clays t'nereafter; P:i:0'dIDED, thet when there 'was no physician or midwife in 4ttendance, then it shall oe !the dut;;; oi' the parent, householder or oemer of tha yreslises z-;he-re the birth occured to file such crtificate. t f G ~~ i Sec. ~. That it s'rl<.11 be th•~ duty- of the To,m Clerk to ellforee this ordinance and to report to -the :'own t.ttorney all violations thereof, and it shall 'ne file dnt~* o-_ the Toren littorney u~lon notice f]'o::: the To•;m vlerk or any other I]ersor of u vio~atzon of tills ordinance, to promptly investi;_ e the` case and institute 'che rlecass~s le,~l proceedings for the impositiozi of the penalties herein provided. Sec. 5. That any physiciari, midrii~'6, undertaker, o-r other person ;aho vioi~.tes this ordinance or fails to comply with any of the provisions o-r duties o-I` this ordinance, or ar,y section thereof, shill uro11 trial and conviction thereof shall be fined not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.C0) or imp- risoned not more thUn thirty (30j days, or both so fined and imprisoned. Passed the 21st. day of June .^.. D. 1915. s o k.ly-. 31a el~iar nttest ='resident, Shorn Counc Town Clerk. Approved the 22nd. day of June A. D%. 1915. G. F. _iller. 'i.ayor . ~~ ?"otiori by J. '. Cason Jr. the ordinance be passed «s T. 1? Bradshaw J. R. C<•son Jr. Seconded b;,- ~. H. Bradshaw, read. Roil call for b llot; Yea. -es. Ye 2 . .~ a r S '- , :. J. ~terlir~~ Yea. ?otiorl car-riad. President Blacl~ier read let ter '°ror~ _s.~-or r: _ . ~"tiller gating that he had suspended. To*m Clerk ~:ac=`:eill~T pending:- westi~zaion into .the shortage in the treasur;;r. y otior~ 'ay J. R. Cason Jr. seconded. b~ Z. ~rsash=;, 'chat the suspension b~ ~yproved b;;= the Council .na th t sae paneeed at once to i,.vestigate the sl-.ort~a~e as reve<;led u` the audit. Carried. " Resolved that ~ rna~or~.~Y of one men7?ers of ~ne,,,'_'orR~ C)oune'1 do ~~eter charges a3~•ainst ~;. ;'ac.e.iiljr ~'• `~'o~.~n~~reas- ur~`3~''~`~"olloias, ~O-i7i~:- that on the ~lst, da;r o ~.rch :. '_l. 1915, there ~r_?^• a cTei'icit ire the town funds o~°. 6z3.G0~ior i:~nich the sat:l~... ~actbeilly as said S'o~=rn treasurer has failed to .~.ceouilt. Snd iurth r resolved that said oiiarges Ue har~ld by said Wotan Co'ancil on the 2Cth. 3«~r oi' June :':. D. 3+915 ~.t 8 d'cloc': P h. and that notice of these charges be served u;on -the said ~~. =:ac'eillJ,together with the date of said trial, ~t least five d<i~.s before :,aid date of said '_ri^.1, in accurd- anee faith Sec. 48 0" i,lle otnl Oharte-r. otion by L. H. Bradshata, seconded b-; ':.'. ~I ':.c?tae, -~lkt the resolution be adflpted as read. ~?oll c lx for ballot; L. F. Bradshara 'y'ea. m __ :`c":e Yea. 1?. J. terling Did not vote. "si. ... 3lackrner Yea. Carried. .otion bg L. I3. Dradshavr, seconder, b~ T. _:c~ae, that S. Yoemans be e~rplo~7ed to audit the to•: _, ,zooiLs trora the 1st dad of larch 1918 to the present dafe. Carried. :otion by L. H. Bradshata, seconde~~ b~? ~. J. SterlinL, t ~ cor:~itee of one be <:_;l;ointed to ~o?tier t-~ith the Board Trade -relative to tz ins the Booster's Clue as a Council mlier ~.nd To~;an ~?11. Carried. Tres. a__points L. __ :~radshul=~ as the cona::ittee. 'res. apl7oints H. J. Sterlin; as tha ce~eta-rJ eo,.u.iittae. :"otion ~. J. Sterling, seconded ? '~ ~r dshart, that white school building be i'urnished~-.rith ,~t~r trot.. the nicip~:.l taorks tree of charge. Carried. :roved and seconded that tae adjourn. C~.rried. fittest:- iresident, tom Council. Totr_1 Clerk. i