07-01-15 Adjourned
Jul;; 1st . 1915.
P_djourned meeting of the Tor7n Coulicil called to order a.t
three thirty? ~~. b~T Pres. ?~lacl~mer.
.':oll call }±ith the folios-ping present; ?. ~radshav;, J.
t'. Cason Jr. , ?l, J. Sterling a_.d `:m. °,', Plaeh~ier.
!.ng. T3radle~~ appeared. before tb.e Poard to i.~:'_e arran~;en,ents
for a renevral of his contract as engineer, tho _present contract
e«piring JulJT u7th. and states that it vrill be impossible -or
hire to renevt under the sane terns.
Suggested b3J I±. J. S'~erling that =s•. Br~:dle;~ continue under
the Sc.r1e salar,- i'oc the balance of the fiscal ~*ear. i.°.Y°. 3radle;;,
re} lied that he ~,=;ould do so i-P the ^ovnl ;-*culd relieve bile o_ ':he
clerical part of the vro~k.
:Totioil b~ li. J. ~~terlin~, seconded bar J. R. Cason Jr. that
ing. ~radle;,-s contract be ex~endod to the erld of the i~resen-t
fiscal :;ear, at the present ~.alarj-, he to be relieved of the
clerical v~ori~ after the 31st, of Julz,T. Carried.
T'r. Bradle~r asls for instructions i.s to the i:~ovin~e of the
.eater meter and box at Chas. ~:, Reeds residence, sc.:1e haling been
incorrectl~~ installed bJ J. C. 3rovrn. =?r. ~radleJ, instructed to
L~al~e necessary; cgrrections, mal~ing an ainieable settlei.ient. Carried.
`otion b;T J, R. Cason Jr. seconded b;;~ y.~+. ~3radsh$vr, that
the chairman appoint a coi:unittee of one to draft a,Y~e~}uti.-on
:+ reitteratin;^~ the duties of tovr~z clerk, treasurer a.nd ass, as
set forth in the charter, setting a salary for same and repealing
all ordinances in conflict ,pith s~+~~e. Carried.
_~res, appointed 1,_, J. Sterlin; to draft the ordinance.
Tres, read letter iron J, L. Chatfield tendering his resig-
nation as a r.~embe-r of the 3oard of Trustees. ,:lotion by fi. J.
:sterling, seconded b~ Z. H. Pradshativ, that the -resignation be
accepted. Ce:rried.
~~ Chairman read eoi:sntnication from Thos I ;' c r>e tendering
C his resignation as :ember of the couiYCil a.~d ~_~ivinr re<son< for
same. lotion b;;r ~. J. u'terling, secar_ded by J. _~. Cason jr.
that same be laid on table. Carried.
°otion by J. R, Casoil Jr,, seeor_dec- b~ H. J, Sterlin&, that
she -president be requested to ::'rite the S. P, ~ovrser Co. in ref-
, erence to their bill, calling their attention to the liberal
'~erias under ti;h~ ch the purc'nase v/as r~,de and asking "or ~:.,. eu~tension
of time on thA pa~r~~ents. Carried.
~resideilt read a co:,raunication i'rori F,ttzT. R. S Yoei:F.ns
x re-°ardin the scale of $H$$n,'~E~~$$ASS land "or delinluent to es.
::otion b~~ J. R. Cason, seconded b~ri?. J. Sterling, that the
list of delinnuent taxes be gotten up at once, for the dears 1913
~y, and 1914 and the property; ,.advertised ibr sale ir. the -el_•^~~ ,
°'r`• 'ro~ress for five cciaecutive ~•;ee~s. Carried.
~re~ident rear: a p,etitioi: froi.: resident z;ropert~~ one-s of
' Csceola '<r_= as':ins• that t~~_e sub-division :notim as Osceola "ark
be included vaithi__ythe corporate liiiits of the Town of Delra~•.
~`_oved and seconde,-: that same be laid on the table Y'o-r ib.tui•e~
ree-rence. Carried.
?T_ J. sterling presents an ordinance imposing - street ta.z
=nd as?is that carne be placed oal its first readin~~by title o~~1~-.
ni: Ol DI?T `Cr, R' ;UI_I ~ x _.LL fiTSLE BOJT~D L?'' Psi a0 :.`, O'vLR
TIL: 7r ~,-, m n*. n;^ ,--. ,RS .._ il UTID__.R il:F: :. GE C ^ ,'Ii _ i 'I'v'y:
Y'~ARS, RESII)T__rn 1°ITHI_` T3F `~0 ''ii LIITS C.? THE T~ ~` '•~F ' -L:i"!Y,
i+LO??IP.r., t;`HO D~ TO1 '':Y T~~S TO i}?~: TO`.i^T, ''f?'ITH',~;H '3Y L=CP,TS~:
On T:~« OT1 R:'.l~L Oli ?1iF.;0.:",L P-:Ol'';RTY, TO ?'..Y .T U::LT.i' !. Smrtr, ,r, T•';`
1~., H? :lr?OUTL 0~ q'3.00 sl:~ix, ..1:D PR09II7I;;~r ~C_. _>fe~LTY I''0: _~:
it li O~i R~si'USliL TO iis'- ~'U8H T."'US.
'__oved and seconded that the ordinance be referred bc.c7?_ to
;.^.e ordin€iiice coL~:_iittee for irivesti~ation. C cried.
iSotion bJ J, Cason J-r. , seconded by L. H. Bradsha~rr, that
~s. Ygemans be requester"i to go over to audits of the toter. boolcs
ea.-refully and eliz~inate ali items in doubt and rs:ake a statenent
at the next regular nieetin~: of the es~.ct amount to be collected
from the forL~er clerk or his bondsmen. Carried.
L. T?. Bradshaw reports havinv r~.de some pro;ress with t-~e
:Board of Trade regarding the use of the boosters Club as a Town
~?^11 and advises th.^t he ~~ill r.~.'_-e a full report at the ne_~t
regular rseeting. ,
D. HawY.ar :;sks the -,o.-rd to be allowed to furriis'n tho to;~n
~~;ii.:h s;ll street lights and other aleetric bul'.?s needed. atter
referred to ra1r~. Lradle~ .
:_otion b~* J. H. Cason Jr., seconde__ bpi L. .~ 3radshaw, that
:r. Ha•,ri.er be allowed t1~e use of one cut in or, tl~s current for
de~onstra..tin l:ury,oses onl~~. G;~rried.
~a~or Biller advises that he notified '`arshal - _'=_e-r on
J,rne u8~h. to see the.t Canµl ''treet spas .ept o en.
_:~. Gteohan ~s'_ '3ovrd 'Por .. aettlem=-nt of
y~~ire furnished the :water and light ~.epa-rtraent.
Casor. Jr., seconder: b :i. J. ute-rling, that the
instructed to notify :.r. 3r«dley that it is the
that the r~;tter be straightened as 7uic1,1,,- :s p
li.a_=_e as liber,.l a pa„-i:rent as osNible at once.
his account for
ration by J. 3.
president be
e;is of the Sot rd
zssihle and ~h,~t he
"oved silo seeonderc that t-~e adjourn. Carried.
l.,r_;roved the ua; o" __-_ -. 1•~i~.
.. . ~.., ..~~-.- =`l -., .,. _ .. __ X0171°.C'_l.