12-13-15 RegularT,3
~ December 13 1915 ,:
$egular meeting of the ~1Town ~ouncil was called tm order by Proe~'
kYiller with the following members present.
J.A. Zeder G.J.Stricklard V1.4+I.Rlackmer E2arshall Ramsey presemt
< or--;_ r ~ ~.~ Yip '~ one SPrCi.~~ 1^E:I'r 9C. ~_C?
~:inute s of tiro r..~ u ~ __, _ _ -
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. ,.
i,,__u mr Cook of tha .+:~~• Crary Cp 'were read accepted and placedon
file. Councilman H.J.Sterlir.7 Prasent
Clerk ~=ras instructed to write 'ir Bussie in regards to opinion
on ffiear Beer and inreferance to the ~Ic Crary business.
~YOtion by Vd.Vd.Blackmer and saconded by ~.~•~eder
That the bills be Pefured to the finance committee~Carried
!Y~otion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by G.J.Strickland
hat the Bank of Delray of Delray Florida be and is hereby
~eclared the Depository for all monios belonging to the
down of Delray Bxcept the funds of the Delray Water and Light
and the Bond. and Sinking Fund. which fu_nda must
Deposited with the Pioneer Bank of West Palm Beach Fla.
on by J.A.Zeder and seconded by H.J.Sterling
That the
journ to Tuesday eHecember 14 at 7: 39 P.'t4.
~j °~~ President of Town Council
Town Clerk