12-14-15 Regular AdjournedDecemberl4 1915
iThe regular adjourned Meeting of the Town Council was-calle3
to ordor by Paesident Miller with the following members prea-
entH.J.Sterling G.J.Strickland and J.A.Zeder.
Riotion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
That all bills be paid as approved
.and warrants drawxi for the same. Carried
°iotion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
That i~arehal Ramsey
',be paid Thirty five dollars on account. Carried
':Mayor Cromer addressed th Council at length in regard//s,,,,~to ..
'•putting in sidewalks from DadeAve., to the Canal.Gn2G~GcQM!
Idotin by H.,7.Sterling and sacondod by J.A.Zeder
That the sidewalk business'
be laid over to the next regular meeting. Carried
Councilman Blackmer Present
9F?Fac gcj'r???'•?iYr?F 2c#?}?i?r?i?t?: #?ir :t ii?f?'t?. ?e####?e?; ?:•?e?'•?i?'r
Motion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
That 2&r Bradshaw be
that the sidewalk in front of the Sheppard property mua
finiahedto the Curbe boath on Boynton and Dade Ave.';
The following Bills were allowed
Bank of Delray
.loin ~Yalker
om Sheppard
ill Carrell
.w .Ramsey
' .M .Cromer
Int,on warrant # 24 X9.20
Dep ESarahal 4.00
" " 4.00
" " 4.00
" " 4.00
Marshal Voted on Act'- -35.00
Salary far November 41.67
Mayors Coubt 20.00
Clerk General Ea Act 2.50
2Wt±~ #l52 {
" 161
" 162 ,,;
" 163
" 165
" 166
" 167
" 168 ~`
.~ .
Balance brot ford !124.37
J.b1.Cromer Campmeeting Eap 4.00 Wt 169
Red Cross Pharmacy Soda and Acid 32.50 " 170
'.:Gene Smith Stationery &c 7.80 " 171
R.S.Yeomans Legal Services 25.00 172
R.F.Hair Balance Due On Wells "218.85 173
W.A.Carrel Feeding Priaioners 2.25 175
'.Florida Electric Co 98.59 175
Water and Light Dep, ..
.Lake t!rorth :,4erctl Co 2_.85 Wt 47
J.C.Cook 16.20 52
'- E.L.Stephan 6.40 53
Canh Express and Stamps 1.25 70
Florida Electric Cg 11.9 66
PerryBradlsy On Salary 30.00 55
Perry Bradley " " 25.00 69
,The Consolidated Oil Co 16:45 67
General Eletric Co 4~ 68
',Motion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
That the Council adjourned to Monday evening Dec 20 at
7 s 30 P .b2L. ./~ ~/, 1t..C~yarriy~ed~y ~~y ,y ~ ~y //, r~ 11, /~ ~!,
'Yt7Y^'7t';~'-~-3F-~Yv'f~4+'7P'•~#if#~R~~^'7C''^7C#~?eYY~^•yfittt5f~3'•~''7t"'ItI~:'7/" ~?',~:;'"q:'!t•'#?F71'#-:~
December 20 1915
'; The. ad~n~asied regular meeting of the Town Council was called ,
Ito order by President BZiller with the following members
H.J.Sterling J.A.Zeder A.F.MIller
jAbesent G.J.Strickland PJ.W.Blackmer
j~4arshal Eamsey Present
!Motion by H.JSterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
(Tha~:,a warrant be dtawn for X98.59 in favor of the Florida
(Electric Co to retire the balance of their Account.
~ Carried
Motion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by .J.A.Zeder
That the following Resolution be adopted.
BE IT RESOLVED,By the Town Councilof the Town of Delray
Florida,thatPd.J.Minor F.A.Bell L.H.Bradehaw L.T.We11s
{J .B.Shourds J.C.Glynn and C.B.La Place be and are hereby
~otified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon
Atlantic A~tenue adjoining Lots 20.21,22.-23,24 Block 116
~.nd Blocks 124a~hd 132 and Lota 1,2,3, and 15,16, Block 117
Florida according to the plat of
~.nd Blocks 125 and 133.of the Towrf.?f Delray formerly Linton)
cn S'ile in the public records of Palm Beach County,Florida
the said sidewalk to be Six feet in width,to be constructed
according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of
the said Town Council and to be constructed of concrete
composed of sand and cemen~,the foundation to be at least
THREE inches thick and conaistingof not less than one part
~of cement to FOURparta of sand,and the surface oP top
ldressing to be at least ONE Inch thick and consisting of
I~ot less than one part of cement to Two parts of Band.
~he said BV.J.fl~inor,F.A.Be11,L.H.Bradshaw, L.T.Wells,
~.B.Shourda,J.C.Glynn and C.B.La Place are further notified
land required to construct and complete said sidewalk ad3o-
ining their respective properties withinSIXTY days from
the 20th,day of Decomber A.D. 1915;otherwise the Tovan
Councilwill cause the daid sidewalk to be constructed
will pay for the coat of constructing the same,and
hold and enforce a loan for such cost against the
said property. CARRIED
~tion by H.J.Sterling and seconded by J.A.Zeder
That the grade for the sides^aalks on Atlantic Avenue to
the Canal shall not be lower than the center of the street.
"lotion by J.A.Zeder and seconded by H.J.Sterling
That the warrant dram in favor of R.F.Hair for ~ 218.85
be made an interest baring warrant. CARRIED
Clerk was instructed to prepare ballots for the
election of a Charter Board.
The Council appointed J.B.Rice F. Hand and J.S.Weupper
as in®pectors and Grant b'enno as Clerk of election to
be held on the 23 day of Debember 1915
potion by J.A.Zeder and seconded by H.J.Sterling
That the Council adjourn to Thursday morning 7 Oclock
A ,I~1. Dec,2.'>>. CARRIED
7YT~'7t#~••~7t?•YY;=~i'-~iF~i'•#q:•~i:--#~; # •:~:: cYY':~7f -'..,./1.; ._lL,.._.11: }ILJL... JL.,..~....#;}-~i:"fi ~'7f'~'Y1-iF7Y'•f~Y?'r#ii#•~..,
DFCEh?BER 23 191577// 77/1 7r T7t TT/~'
The adjourned regular meeting of the Town Council was called
to order by President Miller at 7:30 A.A.f. with the following
members present.
G.J.Strickland H.J.Sterling A.F.MIT~LER
Absent J.A.7.eder W.PI.Blackmer Marshal Ramsey Present.
The Ballot box was prepared for the election Board
''.Motion by H.J.Sterlimg and seconded by G.J.Strickland
Than as vrarrent No 173 draws in favor of R.F.Hai_r for
218.55 had been accidently burned,that warrent No 176
be issued for the same amount in DUPLICATE
~otion.by H.J.Sterling and seconded by G.J.Strickland
that the Council adjourn to the neat regular meeting
Attest r
~ C1B8k
Pre'eident o n