382-41l~eez~e a~l ~ lushly p~aed ~ ~%~oa siren b~
lioense only to a holder;':...~f a Oontractor's Oeriifioate, and to
issue such license upon~$~e payment of the ~t set forth in
the city license ordinal.
Each applic~t~or e~ination e~l ~e application
in ~i~ing on ~reaeribe~or~ thirty (~0~. ~a b~fore ~ime of
holdi~ e~i~ti~ an~all pay to the'City ~ Delray Beach
a fee of 825.00, ~eih ~y shall be depealted 2n the ~ner~
~d. of said o~ty..~uo~:~:a:~ ah~l no~ b~ ra~e~ if ~plio~
~TION ~. ~ E~~tion to be given t~e applic~t
s~l ~e suoh ~ ~ tea~.0.his ~owledge of v~ig. us t~es of
oonatruotl~n ~ ~so ~..~owledge aa/tO ~ bu~i~ oode, zoni~
ordinance ~ e~er la~:'~.aPplioable to oo~truetion, a~ to
dete~ine t~ e~raater?~d integrity and .gener-~ qu~ificatio~
and fitness ~f the appl'l~n~ for perfo~ ~r~ oo~t~etion
work and ab~ity to in,ret plans and ap. eo~i~ations. E~atio~
a~all be in ~it:~ an~..:;,a::~eomplete reoor~ of every e~ination
given shall be kep~ on :.f:~e for a ~riod 9f 9~ ~ from ~he
date of suoh e~natio~;:~:. E~ina~io~ s~ be given t~ee
eaoh year a~ ahall be '~en dur~ ~he ~nt~ of Febru~y, ~u~
axxd Septembe~ of aaoh ~. I~ombers of E~ Bo~d s~ll
fo~m~ate e~~tion q~tio~. Eaoh m~er of ~d shall sub-
mit a set of ~S more ~ five {5) qmestio~ relating to five (5)
separate par:Se of the ~lnation, and ~ ~ve the same in
person to ~ applio~q.~at the tiaa a~ plaoe of ox~ination.
T~ee ~mbe~a of .E~~ Bo~d m~t be ~re~en~ at all
S~TZO~ 4. ~ Oertifieatea iae~A by the Oontraetor's
of their ~, The ~er .of a Oontraet~f~ ~
Oertifioate may ~ve t~.m~e renard om'~. ~ore' said 30th
BOard. aha ~ A~y ~ove~ thereby, ~ pey~ a f~e of ~.00
for ~, ~a~ae~gr's ~$~fioate or SS.~ farina Sgperinte~ent'e
Oertifioate. M~ 'Oon~$or's or Superin~~t's ~ertifioa~s
· hall be ~ne~d af~er/~ptember ~h fe~e~ ~a~e of its issu~ee
~ees ~e ~.~t ~ sueoesaf~ly ~ t~ e~ation pro-
V~e the undersigned.,'licensed buildi~ con, rectors
doing busiaesa In the .Gi~y of Belray Beaoh, ~[orida,
respectfully request yo~ honorable body to esgablish
~ Building ~ontraotors Ex~ini~ Bo~d, as to ~t forth in
the following suggested~ ~orm of ordinance: