383-41 0 R DI N A N 0 ~ FLORIDA, ~dENDING AN ~GENCY O~OINANCE 0F THE CI~ 0F DELi~Y B~CH, STATE 0F i~0RIDA, DEFINING TI~ P~gCTICE OF B~ CUL'i~IE AND i.L~}'JAGi.i.iENT OF BiJAU~ SHOPS, AND ~U'iklNG A LICENSE OR GERTIFIG...iTE OF REGISTi~TiON AS A OONDiTiON TO ~,~ FERSON P~G- TIGING 3EAUTY GL~RE OR L}~ PEi~ON ATTi.2~PTINTG TO i..~NAGE DITIONS UPON W}~CH TIIE LICENSES 0t{ CERTIFICATES OF I,~Y 3E ISSU~ TO ANY PERSON TO Pi~:,CE'ICE B~U%~ C~%~RE }/~{AGE OR OPEIelTE A B~UTY SHOP IN THS CITY OF DE~Y BEACH, ST.,TE OF ~ORID~; Ci~ATIN'G AGiTY oOAND OF B~UTICIAN A}~) DEFINe-NC A}~ DECLARING ITS i:O~EP~ AND DUTIES; REGD~TING THE PI~CTICE 0F B~UTY OULTUkE AND i~LiJ=~G~C~{T 0F 3EAUTY SHOPS BY THOSE LICENSED i-~REUNDER: il ~f0SIi(G CERTAIN FE~ UPON APPLYING 'F0~{ LICENSE, 0R CERTIFICATES OF }~GISTi~ATION TO Pi~h%CTICE B~UTY CYLTUi~ 0t{ 0PEi~TE 01~ L~NAGE A BEAUTY Sii0P 0F THIS CI~; POSES 0F ~ilS 0RDIiANCE; AND PRm~SCRIZIiCG PENALTIES t,'ON VI0~TION 0F Tt[~ ]/i{0VISION~ 0F Ti{IS ORDINANCE Al. lO ?~]iGUF~}~TIONS ~NEII{DER. BE IT Oi[DAiLED By the Oity Cou~cil of the City of Delray Beach, ~lorlda that Sub-section D of Section 2 of Ordinance No. ~k0_, kno~wn as the beautician's ordinance and opeczzlcally described in the title hereof be and the se~e is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "!Caster Beautician: Any person engaged in the occupation of beauty culture and owning his or her ov~n beauty shop, oz' one who oper~ates or manaf~;es a beauty shop for others." 2. Section_Q of said ordinance is hereby amended so as to read as follows, to-wit: "Any resident of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, who OR BEFORE was on,October 1, 1940, engaged in the practice of beauty culture as a beautician, master beautician or junior operator shall be 6rantea a certificate of re&iistration as a registered beautician, master beautician or a rei.i~istered'junior operator without examination by making application to the Board, paying the required fee and furnist~ing the Board with a certificate issued by a practising medical physician of this City attestin6 that such applicant .is free from any conta~;ious or infectious diseases. 3. Section 11 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: ~Every re~istered Beautician, registered ~aster Beautician ~, , or ~unior Operator, shall annually on or before the first day of October renew his or her Certificate or registration and pay the required fee, furnish the Board with a certificate from a practicing medical doctor dated not more than ten days prior to the application, stati~_g that he or she is free from any contagious or infectious disease. Every certificate of registration which has not been renewed during the month of December in any one year shall expire on the first day of January in the next year. A registered Beautician, i~aster Besutician, or Junior Operator whose certificate of registration has expired, may have his or her certificate re- stored u~on payment of the restarati°n fee. Any registered practitioner under this ordinance who retires from the practice , of Beauty Culture may renew his certificate of registration upon payment of the registration fee." 4. Section 14 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read · as follows, to-wit: ~The fee to be paid by an aoplicant for 'an examination to deter=~ine his or her fitness to receive a certificate of regis- tration to practise beauty culture either as a master beautician, a beautician or a junior operator and for the issuance of a certificate there~o~r is $5.00. The fee to be paid for the renewal of any certificate issued hereunder is $1.00. The fee to be paid for the restoration of any certificate issued hereunder is ~. S~ub-sec_tion B of ~Section l0 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Permitting any person in one's employ, supervision or con- trol to practice as a junior operator or beautician unless that ~ person has a certificate of registration as a registered junior operator or beautician." ~.._, . 6. Section 19 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wi6: "All fees -?aid under this ordiance shall be paid to the City Board of Beauty Culture Examiners created by Section ordinance, such money to be used by said Board to defray their expenses." PASSED in regular session on this the ~ day of ~. D. 19~l. Attest: Approved: City Clerk At a meeting of the Board of Beauty Culture Exa~iners held on Thursday, February 20, 1941, it was decided to recom~.~end to the Council that the follo~,~in[~ amend~;~ents or changes be ~ade in the Beauticians' Ordinance: FIRST: Amend Section 2, Sub-section D to read as follows: ~,,laster Beautician: Any person eng~uged in the occupation of beauty culture and ovming his or her own beauty shop or one who operates or ~:~anages a beauty shop for others. SECOND: Add to Section 9 the following: "The phrase 'continuously end, aged' is hereby declared to mean the 'engagement in one or more of the occupations described in this Section d~ing the usual wo~'king hours ana days for.a total of not less than 12 months in such two year period.'. ," THIRD: Change Section ll by changing the word "Septet, bet" in the second line of the second paragraph to "Dece~ber" and by changing the phrase "October in that year" in the third line of the second paragraph of said Section to "January in the next year." FOURTH: Amend Section 14 to read as follows: "The fee to be paid by an applicant for an examination to dete~c~ine his or her fitness to receive a certificate of regis- tration to practise beauty culture either as a ~aaster beautician, a beautician or a junion, operator and for the issuance of a certificate therefor is $5.00. The f~e to be paid for the renewal of any certificate issued hereunder is $1.00. The fee to be paid for the restoration of any certificate issued hereunder is ~2.00". FIFTH: Amend Section 15B by adding the words "or beautician" i~-~e, diately after the word~ "junior operator" appearing in the second and third lines of said sub-section. SIk~TH: Amend Section 19 so that it will coni'orm to Section 14 and have all fees payable directly to the Board of Beauty Culture Exa~Giners 2o meet their expenses. /