01-12-14 RegularDelray, Fla., January 12, 1914. The regular meeting of the City Council was held on a i the above date and nas called to order at 8.15 by Yreaident Cason. Roll call showed the folloaring members,prasent: J. R. Cason, L. H. Bradshaw, G. 6. Strickland and J. VJ. Acton. Absent T. A:9cRae. The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. A latter from E. Ban Carter in reference to furnisYiing enough rock to complete the Work on Parrott St. Was read. A motion by N,r. Bradshaw and seconded by b".r. 'Strickland that the to n er be filed for ref®renc©, Carried. A motion by ~"r. Bradshan and seconded by I:Ir. Strickland that the bills for December be referred to the 'finance committee for approval. Carri©d. A motion by blr. ACtOTl and seconded by Air. Bradshaw that the clerk draw warrrsnts~or all bill:a Which had bean approved. Carried. A motion by ts1r. Acton and seconded by A4r. Strickland ;that the clerk issue to 94r. Sundy a warrant for 500.00 r 'but before doing so to have Itifr. Sundy to give him his check for 115.00 which was to be p~,aced to the town's oradit. Carried. A motion by &ir. Acton and seconded by Mr. Strickland that the Ladies Aid Society be notified that the City •z "'' Council was now in position to accept the Cemetery and if tho Ladies so Desire that the City have charge of it to have the deod made over to the Towr_ of Delray. Carried, [1 motion by 3"r. Acton and seconded by Iv;r. Strickland that tho Clerk ~rrite tho Ajax Engine `~4orka and aek them to give the best terms on the t'iachines referred to in their letter of January 5th. Carried. There being no f ther business t_ha meeting adjourned. Approved__ ~ ~ day of ~~ A. D. 1914. ~. ; Attest. « ~~~ + Preaid®nt. ' Clerk.