02-06-144 ~• Delray, FAa., February 6, 1914. There eras a called meeting of the City Council held on the above date to meet Mr. J. B. McCrary of Atlanta, Ga. in refference to rnalcin_g a survey of the Torn and making plans and giving specifications and the probable coat of putting in light and rater plant for the Toxn of Delray. The following members xere present: J. R. Cason Jr. Pres., T. McRae, L. H. Brsdahas~, G. J. Strickland and J. 6U. Acton, Absent, None. Mr. McCrary addressed the meeting and made a proposition that he would make a survey of the Toxn, give plans an ': speei.ficationa in detail for light and rater for the sum of 200.00, 100.00 to be paid from thirt~r to sixty days From the time the plans and specifications xere d delivered, and ?100.00 in case the bonds xere sold or the contract let for the work. On motior_ it xas put to a vote whether to accepp the proposition on not. °oll calledyeas, Strickland, Cason, Bradahau, 6icRae.And Mr. Acton.not~vo~in~;,- Carried. Motion by }.ir. Strickland and seconded by Mr. Bradshaw author±zing the b4ayor and Clerk to execute a contract, with Mr. McCrary for survey, plans and specifications. Carried. And further proposed that if the bond election xas called and the services of an attorney required that J. B. ZleL'rary Cp. to furnish all legal document and advise required in the matter for the sum of50.00. Meeting adjourned. Approved ~~1~ day of ---~~A.D. 19 Attest Clerk.