02-16-14 Regulary Delray, Fla., February 16, 1914. The regular meeting of the City council was hold on !the above date and was called to order by the President, ~ J. R. Cason Jr. Roll call showed the follo~eing members A present: J. W. Acton, T. McRae, L. H. Bradshaw an3 J. R. jCsaon Jr.. Absent G. J. Strickland. The mainttes~of the previous meeting were read and (approved. Several oommunicatione were read from the Ajax Engine ~ Co. After discussing the matter a motion was made by ~b4r. Actotz and seconded by Mr. McRae that the Clerk be ~inatructed to write the Ajax Engine Co. that, the~~ could ' ;ship a #3 Fire Engine on thirty days trial F. 0. B. Cara 'at Delray and after thaurothghly testing it and found fit perfectly satisfactory at the end of the thirty~3ays Ito pay the Ajax Co. '63.75, 50.00 in four months, ~pb0.00 '.in eight months and '50.00 in twelve months. A vote (was them taken, Par. Acton, PdcRae, Bradshaw and Cason voted ;yea. Mr. Strickland being absent. The chairman of the ordinane® committee repor±ed the ordinance regulating license tax on shows circuses , ~minetrel shows etc. back. to the ordinance committee. A motion by Mr. Acton and seconded by Mr. Bradshaw that Itha ordinance put on aeco.nd reading and fiMal.pao~ingi^~1. i A motion by Tor. Acton and seconded by l~r. Mr. McRae jthat the ordinance be passed as read. Carried. j The report of the b.arshall was than read and accepted. a The following bills were referred to the Chariman of hhe Finance Committee for approval. J. ~9. Walker X51.71 ~ ~ A. MacNeilly 10.95" Delray Progress3.70~^ Herald Pub. Cp. 6.?,5 referred back to Finance Corr!mittee.approved. Motion by Mr. Acton and seconded by Mr. Bradshaw ( that the clork draw warrants to cover bills. Approved. Carried. Meeting adjourned, Approved ~ ~ ~ day of ~ ~ ~ A.D. 1914 Attost Elerk. , G~$'I~r L resident. ~~ t ti An or or B® De Delray Florida, January 19, 1914. Ordinance to lic®nse, tax, and regulate all shone circuses, minstrel troupes, street show, performances carnivals or other traveling exhibitions. it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Lray, Florida. ~ffi8: SECTION 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the TOwn of Delray, Florida, ®ngage in, manage or conduct any business profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance, unless he, sh®, or it shall have procured thereof a town license, which shall be signed by the Clerk, countersign®d by the ~Bayor and shall bear the corpofsat® seal of the said Town of Delray. Said License shall be issued to such person, firm or corporation upon payment of the amount hereinafter specified therefor, together with a fee of twenty fiv® cents to the Clerk. ', SECTTON 2. That the following enumerated individual license taxes shall be paid to the Town of Delray by the persona or corporations engaging in, managing or trans cti th a ng e several businesses professions or ~ ! occupations to-wit: ' ~ Owners, or managers of shooting galleries X6.00 Shows or circuse^ exhibiting or giving performances within tents, whether covered or uncovered, with or without horsoa. X25.00 Street Shows,performancea, carnivals, or other traveling exhibitions, for each tent or other struot:htte and for each day 6.00 ~~ u ;' I All s=ng11 a~hows ot}zer than circus®e, theatrical or ~audea~Zl~ gives d:adea_'a tent charging 25¢ or , ~ less shall pay a tax of 10.00 i Over 25¢ sha11 pay a license tax of 15.00 I SECTION 9. Any person, firm, or corporation or associa# tion that shall carry on or conduct or manage any i business, prod®asion or occupation for which a license ~ is required under this ordinance, without first obtaining such license, shall upon oonviction 1 thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than ' double the amount required for such license and upon S failure to pay such fine and costs of courts, shall be committed to the town Jail and compelled to work out such fine and posts upon the Public works of the town under tho di ti ', rec on of the Town Council at the a; h ~' rate of fifty cents per day: proslided that no ouch term of imprisonment shall eacesd the term of aiaty says. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict i eith the foreEoin~ ordinance is h®reby repoaled. I Passed the 19th day of February, A`/D. 1914. President To Council. ATTEST: ~ City Clerk. ': Approv®d the 19th day of February, A D. 1914. ,~ y _, l