03-09-14 RegularDelray, Fla., Pdarcli 9, 1914.
The regular meeting of the City Council was held on
the above date and was called to order by Pres. J. R.
Cason Jr. Roll Gall showed the following members
present; J. R. Cason Jr ., G. J. Strickland, L. H.
Bradshaw and J. G. Fenno. Absent T. bloRae. The
minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A motion by ~4r. McRae and seconded by P,ir. Strickland
that tho roles be suspended and the resignation of ~?r.
Acton be taken up. Carried
A motio~~ by Mr. Strickland and seconded by 2dr. PleRae
that the resignation of I~Ir. Acton be accepted to take
effect at once. CARRIED.
A motion by Pdr. McRae and seconded by Mr. Strickland
that Grant Fenno be nominated to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Lir. Acton there being no
other nomination, a vote was taken which resulted as
follows; YPAS: J. R. Cason Jr., T. PdcRae and G. J.
Strickland. L. Ii. Bradshaw being absent.
A motion by hir. McRae and seconded by Pdr. Strickland
that the Clerk notify Pdr. Fenno of his election. CARRIED.
Meeting adjourned. Sine Die.
Meeting was called to order by P;Ir. McRae as fires.
eras called away.
A petition was read from F. L. Tenbrook asking
permission to lay a water pipe from his gararge along t1xH
alley and across Raymond St. to his residence.
A motione by P.'2r. Strickland and seconded by Pdr.
Hradshaw that Mr. Tenbrook's request be granted, work
to be done under the supervision of the street committee.
The Marshall:s report for the month of February was
presented and accepted.
`Ehe following bills for tlxe month of February were
presented. On motion were referred to the Finance Com.
for approval.
A motion by Mr. Striol~land and apponded by P,4r.
Bradshaw that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants
to mover bills approved.
___.;Cn motion the eating adjourned.'
Approved ~ day of A. D. 1914.
Clerk /~~~