04-27-14 RegularDelray, Fla, Apri127, 1914
The Regular meeting of the ¢ity council Pras called on the above date
!and was called tc order by clerk L:cNeilly, There being no quorum present
~ meeting adjourned to meet April 29th.
April 29 1914.
i Th e adjourned meeting of April 27th of the city council was held on the -:
above date and was called to order at 8 o'clock by President Cason.
Roll call showed the fallowing members present: J R Cason, J G Strialrr
land, Tr; ~iCRae, L H Bradshaw and J G Fenno. Absent none. A
The minutes of the last meeting ;as read and approved. A communication..;
'of the Ajax Fire Lngine Co., granting an extension of time for trial of liar.
Fire Extinguishers until navy 15th was read. '~j
A communication frarn?^_syor A F i~2iller was read recommending an Ordi-
'nance prohibiting the tacking of bills on telephone poles and other places
wihtin the city limits.
The clerk was instructed to get copy of Similar Ordinances from soma
!other towns and report at next regular meeting,
Moved and seconded that meeting adjourn to meet on April 30th.
April 30, 191„
The Adjourned meeting of April 29ht was called. to or~dr by President J R
Cason at 8 O'clock,
R611 call showed the following members present: J R Cason, J G Stti~+
land, J G Fenno, T DS hScRae and L H Bradshaw.
A resolution from the Bond "ttorneys of the McCrary & Co., pertainix~`
to the calling of a bond election. Aa follows was redd and folly diseneaed;
A vote of Yeas and "ays as to whether to cell a bond election in acoT
erdance with the rsolution as set forth above was called resulting as foll`
J R Csson--..-..-- Yea J'
G J Strickland` "
J G Fenno "
T ai 31cRae
.4 '<;:e
On motion of G J Strickland and seconded by L H Bradshaw that the ele~~
clerk notify J B McOrary Co., that the council by unanimous vote requeat9
hem to proceed at once to prepare the final papers for call of election, '.
On motion of J G Fenno and seconded by G J Strickland that A F Bdhler
and L H Bradshaw, chairman of the atrdet committee act as a committee to '!-
look after the streets Over which the rock was being hauled for the boule-:`
yard and see that they were kept in proper conditions. ';
Adjourned unitl I1ay 4th.
Approaed day of--~~~A.D.