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05-11-14 Regular
Delray, Fla „ Play 11, 1914. b LJ The regular meeting of the city council was held on the above date and was called to order at 8o~clock by President Cason. Roll call showed the follrnving members presents J R Cason, T M McRae, L, H Bradshkaw, J G Fenno and G J Strickland, Absent none• There being no business of impoetance to transact meeting adjourned to meet Thursday evening P?ay 14th, aiay 14, ~91--=. The adjourned meeting of the city counci was held on the above date, tubers present J R Cason T M McRae, L H Bradshaw, J G renno and G J Stride+ ,moo.,... _._. Minutes of last meeting bead and approved, Letters from J B McCrary and their attorneys were read and discussed , On motion of Alderman McRae seconded by Alderman Fenno that letters be t filed for Deference and further discussion. i CARRIED. Blotion made by T Pd P,?eRae and seconded by G J Strickland that the ahair- I `'. tnan be requested to act with the clerk and write to Z!r Bussey to obtain all°3 he information that is necessary to the bonding mattera•• 14ARRL3D, j The chairman of the Ordinance committee_requeated to investigate the ~wei~*hts and measures according to the statutes. Meeting adjourned to meet Friday evening at B o'clock, CARRIID . i1 LJ ' May 15, 1914, • aBh~ail~~u~oeor~e=etb~ygPreai~Cen~iuasonn8~i~=~s held on the above date and:'.:. Roll call showed the following members present: J D Cason, G J Strickland. J G Fenno, T M McRae, Absent L H Bradshaw, A motion was made by Alderman McRae that the clerk read all the bills resented for payment to council stating the amount oP each but to wPiom<p able an!± for what purpose, ~ The clerk then read the f ollowing bills. ~, A motion was made by ~!lderman Strickland seconded by Ald, McRae that t` ills be referred to the Finance committee for approval, CARRIED, Bills referred back from Finance Cpsmnittee approved as read. ~ Motion by Alderman Fenno and seconded by Alderman Strickland that the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for bills approved, G~ARRI~, There being no further business, meeting adjourned. Approved day of ~~- A.D. 1914. ~ttC6t Clerk Q%lil~~L esident. Be it remembered that a regular meeti~,g of the ?rSayor and Town :Council of the town of Delray, in the County of Perim Beach, State of Floes b !ids, held on the 30th da~,~ of April A.D. 1`14, at its regular place of meet ling in the town od' Delray, at 8 O'clock P;Li, there being they. prese~he ithe following councilmen of said town: J R Cason, J G Fen~~o'? G J Strick- land and L H Bradshaw. Absent nona• At which meeting certain proceedings were had, among which were ';the following, to wits Councilmen Fenno presonted a certain resolution, and moved its (adoption and thereupon oouncilmran L H Bradshaw secondFid said motion to a- dopt said resolution, and said motion then being p ut to vote o£ the " "Ayes" and"Nays" and the roll being called said resolution was unanimous~yr ';adopted bg the vote o8 all the councilmen present, each of said councilm~ 1 voting "Aye" and there being no vote "Nay" which resolution is in the ] ,words andfiplxres following, to wits ss~~ A resolution providing for the calling of an election submitting ~I to the qualified electors the question of ie9uing twenty thousand doll~Na ;020,000) bonds €s:r of the town of Delray Coxmty of Palm Beach, State of f (Florida, for the erection a8d maintenance of a water and electric light !plant in and for said toz-r. and providing for the election of three citi- zena of s=id town to act as members of aboard of bond Trustees. Ile it resolved, by the Town council of the town of Delray, Palm beach County, Florida, that there shall be held in the said town of Delray fat Board of Trade Building on the 16th day o~ June A D 5914, a special election in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and laws of she state of Florida, including the ohapter 6679 of the special dote of ttO legislature of Florida, for the year 1913, being the charter of ssdd town'. to determine the question of issuing the t•srenty th©usand 020,000) bonds of ' ~ said town for th e purpose of the erection and maintenance of a water ari8„ eeleotric light plant, and to elect three citizens of said town to act se m' ;members of a board of Bond Trustees. Be it further resolved thalt three citizens of said town shall be':i'+ ~ elected to said election to sere as members o£ a Board of Bond Trusteeax, 'p` j as provided in the charter of said town of Delrays ?x ~ 3e it further resolved, that any bonds issued in pursance of said" election shall be dated July 1st, 1914 in denomination of X1000, each, and 1 shall be due and payable thirty years from date; shall bear interest at t ', jthe rate of sis'percentum (6p) per annum gayable semi-anmxally on the first day of January and of July of each year, bath principal and interest shall. be payable in gold coin of the United States of merica of the present `' standard of weight and firmness at the office of the Banking House of the:" (National Bank of Comrerce in the City and State of New York; Be it further resolved, that the form ~ of ~hllot to be used at ` (said election shall be substantially as follows, to wits Offiafal Ballot Bond Election of the Tawn of Delray, Florida. Held on the 16 day of June, 1914. (Make a cross mark (%) to the left of either of the propesitions for or again et and. Yor three members of the Board of Bond Trustees for •whom you desdre to vote) ~ ~ ( ) For ~ 20,000 of bonds for the erection s$d maintenance of a water d electric light plant. Against 20,000 of bends for the erection and maintenance of a water and ;electric light plant. h I To,seeve as members Of the Board of Bond Trustees (Vote for Three Only) D I ~ ~: Be it further resolved that the polls shall be opened foa voting and closed in accordance with hhe general laws of Florida, Be it further resolved, that A J Sterling, J J 3habinger, J 3 Vlalker r~ fare hereby a pointed ss inspectors and Lee diner is hereby appointed as r# ;Clerk of Election, to conduct s^id election in eocordanec with the re-.iD ~quiramenta of the general lays of the state; -- Be it further resloved, that a special meeting of the Town Cou cil r ~be and the same is heraby called to be held on the 19th daayy of June A D 1 914 for the purposo of canvassing the returns of said election and declar- ing the result thereof and traissact anyz~other business that may coma be- t Moro the council; Be it further resolved, that the lsyor of s: id town givo notice of '' s<:id election by proclamation as required by the law and by publishing, ' the same in the newspaper published in said town of Delray, for a period , Hof not less than te-r. days prior to sand election, a.hich proclamation shall ~be substantially in the followinf; forms `- NOTICE L7ayor's Proclamation of Sp=mail Election on 6Vater and Light Bonds and to Elect Aiembera of the Board of Bond Trustees, J To the voters of the town of Delray, Palm Beach County, Florida, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the town council of said tavn on the ':' 0 day of April A D 1914 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified e79 ,ctors of said tovm, the question of iasuing(~S"20,000) bonds oY said town Ifor the erection and maintenance of a water and electric light 'plant in '.and for said town, and to elect three citizens of said tovm tc r~ct as mem hers of a Board of 'Bond Truszees,and which resolution is as follows<, to t wit : Be it resolved by the town of Delray, Palm Beach County,`Florida, that there shall be held in the said town of Delray at Board of Trade Bu3 ding mn the 16th dr_y of June A D 5914 a special election D3 in accordance rith the provisions and la:~s of the sate of Florida, including chapter 66T9,<d of the special Acts of the legislature of F1~•rida, for the year of 1913,"' being the cahrter of said town, to determine thequeation o;' issuing twentyl~ thousanddollara X20,000) bonds of said tomm for the purpose of erection ,nd maintenance of a water and electriv light plant and to elect three citizens of said town to act as members od a Board of Bohd Trustees; Be it further resolved, that any bonds issued in pursuance of s id election sh~;ll be dated July 1st, 1914 in denomination of $1000 each and shall ba payhle in thirty years from th§ir date; shall bear interest at the rate of sis per centum (66) per annum/ payable semi-annually on the first day of January and of July each year, bmth principal and interest hall be p.ayaDle in gold coin of the United States of A-zerica of the pre a- O v^ CJ James Cromer and '.4 E L Sperry a'dressed the co~.~rcil regarding the Cem- etery..On motion,; Mr Fenro, Mr Strickland and ~r Bradshaw were ap~,ointed s a committeA to look after the cemetery. Meeting then ad3curned to meet"on Monday eaening June 15th. Approved ~ ~ day of ~~-~ A,D, 1914 d~tteat I .; w ( %' i President. i i 0 3TATD OF FLORIDa ( SS COUNTY OF PAT.: B~CR ~ I, To-~In Clerk of the Town o; Delray, in said County and tat e, DO HERiBY CERTIFY,that the foregoing consisting of five typewritten pages, contains a true anc correct copy of all the proceed ings of the Mayor and Town Council of said Town had and done with refe rence to the calling of an election submitting to the qualified electors the quest '. on ~f issuing twenty thousand dollars(~20000) ~' bonds of the Town of Delray, in said County and State, for the erection and maintenance of a water and electric light pleat in and for said town, and providi~Zg for the election of three citizens of said town to act as 'members od A Board of Bond Trustees,. as the same appear upon the records of proceedings now on file in my office, Witness my hand and offici~.l seal this 30th day of April, A.D, 119.4. i i Town Clerk of the Town of Delray, Palm beach a CJ County, Florida. ~,J A 'Witness rlS' hanc and seal of said Town of Delray, Florida, This 30 th day of April A D 1914, ~?ayorof the Tawn of -Delray. ' .'3 :a wti Attest Town Clerk This resolution shall be ir. full form and effect irinediately from ;and after its passage. Attest 1~~(• '~ J C/~: ~~jj/ Pre e . Tmsn Town Clerk Council Adopted bynUnanimous vote of the Town council the 30th ady of i 'April A D 1914, i Trnan Clerk. L~i ent standard of weiF~ht anH fineness s:~t the office of the yan;cirg House of the National Bank of Com erce in the City and State of D?ew i~ork; i Be it further resolved, that the fora of ballot to be used at said b ~ election shall be substantially as follewa, to wit: i Official Ballot Bond Tlection of the town of Delray, Florida. ' Helci on the 16th day of rune 1414 (hake a cross mark (R) to the left of either of the propositions for 'or against and for three members of the 3oard of Bond Trustees for whom yn j' ~flesire to vote) ( ) X20,000 of Bonds for the erection and maintenance of a water and ~-k :electric light plant i ( ) ,Against .20,000 of bonds for the erection and maintenance of a i water and light plant ?2 To serve as memiaeas of the Board of fond Trustees }a ,t '~ (Not for Thre e Only) 7 i I !~ a Be it further resolved that the polls ahhll be opened fee voting a and closed in accord nce ~.~ith the geaeral laws of the state of Florida; Be it further resolved that H J Sterling, J J Shabinger acid J 8 '8'alker are hereby appointed as inspectors and Leo 14iner is hereby appoin- ted ae clerk of the election to conduct said election in accordance with he requirements. of the gener~3 lav,~s of the State. Be 1t further resolved that a special meeting of the tovm Council be and the same is hereby called to be held on the 18 day of June A D 1914 for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said ele et ion and declaring the resulb thereof r:nd to transact any other business that may come before the council; Be it further resolved, that the Siayor of said town give notice of .aid elecyion by proclamation as required '.~y the law and by publishing the: '.ame in the newspaper published in said tovm of Delray, ?'or a period of of less than ten deys prior to said election This reaolukion shall be in full force andeffect imn.ediately from and after its passage, Pres. of Twon Council :it to st Adopted by Unanimlusvote of the Tovm council the 30th day of Apr. A D X914 , Town Clerk