06-16-14 AdjournedDelray, Fla. June lo, 1914• The adjourned meeting of city council was held on the above date and was called to order by President Cason at 7 o'clock. 8611 call showed the following members present. President Cason, tl T MI- IcRae, L H Bradshaw, G J Strickland, absent J G Fenno. On motion by Mr McRae seconded by Mr Strickland that the following instructions be given to the Election Board, 5 a 30 After which the ballet box was proposed for the Bond Election in which was placed the tickets list of registered votesList of those not having paid their taxes, list of qualified votes, faom Ur Lopez. Blank for Elec- tric inst llations to Electric offices,1/2 dozen pencils, scratch paper, !needle and thread . Meeting then adjourned to meetThursd ^y evening June 18yh st 8 o'clock: .Approved day of v '�_ A.D. 1914 Attest Clerk �1 E a] U 91 EI 2 State of Florida, SS Couhty of Palm Beach. f I, the undersigned, Town Clerk of the Town of Delray, in the said county and stat(j , DG =MBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing consisting of two typewritten pages, contains a true and correct copy of all the pro ceedings of the Mayor -nd Town C ^until of said Town had and done with ref erence to the canvassing and declaring of the returns of th election day ea,lled -.•and legally held on the 16th day of June, 1914, submitting to the 'qualified electors the question of issuing tvventy thousand dollars ($2o,o bonds of said town for the erection and maintenance of a water and light 'plant in and for said town, and providing for the election of three qit-. izens to act as members of the Board of Bond Trustees as the same appear" upon the record of theproceedings nor; on file in my offime. ;,,fitness my hand and official seal this 18 day of June D. 1914. I Town Clerk of the Town of Delray Florida. ____Delray Florida Jujj ✓ Town of Delray Fla July 9th 1914_/%�� i Torn of Delray iernts A,.Bac Neilly Cleric July 9 For dvertising City Bonds Tn Thre _ Papers Namely Lake Worth Herald Times Union New York World Two Issues 6 00 6 00 i 7 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA TuTIe 1, 1914 w M Town Council, Delray, Fla • IN ACCOUNT WITH H. L. BUSSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW May 15 To opinion qs to bond proceeding 5 00 tea= f S. `MIS l � ��� ,J State of Florida, County of Palm Beach, Town of Delray. "'e the urilerdsip?b Ig Ee;,tors o electjip,lggointt84 to conduct a bond a =coon ca a o, 1 aay of June, A ll , o termine whethor or not the Town of Delray, Florida, shall issue its bonds in the sum of t-enty thousand. dollars (420,000) for the purpose of erectinx� ;and maintaining a water and lightplant in and for-said Town, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that we hsve faithfully performed our duties as inspectors, and > that the following is a true and correct statement showing the number of (ballots c ^st for bonds, against bonds and the number of ballots spoiled. For $20,000 of bonds for water and light plant 58 Against 20,000 bonds for water and Might plant 11 Number of ballots spoiled p Total number of ballots cast ....................... 74 We further certify, that the following is a ture and cor+ w '. irect statement showins; the number of ballots cast for the following named persons to act as members of the Board of Bond Trustees for one, two and three years respectively: j No.of Name vote_ s cast ,,j �. Bond Trustee for one year ;s Frank Crego ^ " " " ° 39 rt n rr n n j Total number of votes cast 39 P f� J S 'Nuepper Bond Trustee for two years It n it It of 54 n n Tot al number of votes c=st J L CHatfield It rr it 54 Bond truteee for three gears _ If It It to It 57 If it it to It Total number of votes cast Done this day, the 16th day of June A.D. 1914. J L Troup J J Shabinger H J Sterling. Inspectors of Election. Attests J 2I Cromer Clerk of Election. 57 D i 31 Off iedal Ballot Bond Election of the Town of Delray, Florida. Held on the 16th day of June X914. !!I (Make a cross mark (X) to the left of either of the Prepositions i for or against and for three members of the Biard of Bonk rustees for whom you wish to vote) i ( ) For $20,000 of bonds for the erection -nd maintenance of a plant ( ) Against $20,000% of bonds for the erection and maintenance of a crater and light pi Ant To sjo�e ormoneon�yoforheaBcnaof theSterms oiPtone,Two and Three years, respectively. For Bond Trustee, for one year For Bond Trustee, for Two years For Bond Trustee, for Three years ( R ) ) 1 R) l x)) a is HI El a f, J i 0 Delray, &la. June 19, 1914. Be it rememberec that at a special meeting of the ,Tayor and Town r Connell of the town of Delray, in the county of Palm Beach, State of Flor ida, held on the 19th day of June, A.D. 1914, at its remular place of meet lug in the town of Delray, at 8 o'clock P: ^?/ duly called by the - resolution calling the electtmi held on the 16th day od June, _.D. 1914 there being then and there present the folio Ang councilmen of said town: J R Cason, L H Bradsha:v, T McRae, J G Fenno and G J Strickland. : >bsent none. At which meeting certain proceedings were had among which were the fol !lowing:- T#e returns of the election held in the said town of Delray, on the 16 !day of June, A.D. 1914, for the purpose of determining whether or not twee - jty thousand doll rs ($20,000) bonds of said town should be issued for the erection and maintenance of z water and light plant in said town, and for a 'the election of three citizens of said town to act as members of the Board " if Bond Trustees, authorized by a resolution regularly passed and adopted by ssid Mpyor and 'Town Oonnoil 30th day of April, A.D. 1914, in accordance with thh requirements of the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, lane: of the cahracter of slid tovm were submitted. i After having duly examined and canvas ^ed the said returns of the elect- lion, the Mayor and Town Council DO H' MBY FIr 1:D 1MLA_tE that the beturn s show that a majority of the votes cast at said election were for Frank ICrego to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees for one year, and that the was therefore elected to serve as a member Of said Board of Bond Trus -1 teed _ for the term of one year; that the majority of the votes cast in the said election were for J S Wuepper to serve as a member of th Board of Bond' Trustees for two years, and that he was there.f oe: elected to serve as a mem-,' er of the Boa rd of Bond Trustees for two years; that a majority of the voted cast at said election -,-ere for J L Chatfield to serve as a member of the Board of Bond Trustees for the ter., of three years, and that he was therefore elected to serve -s a member of The Board of Bond Trustees for the term of three years& And the Pdayor an, Twon Con majority of the votes cast at t thousand dollars ($20,000) bond er nd light plant were in f EV st