06-22-14 RegularDelray, Fla. June ~2, 1914 ' The regular meeting of the City Council was &eld on the above date ,~ lir the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Prea ident Cason. Roll call showed the following mem`~ers presents J R Cason, L H Brad- p ;~ ahaw, C J Strickland, J G Fenno, db sent T Lt itii0~tae. I The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read, Ta;o com~zaic~ tiona for ngineer of :electric Light and Slater plant, gone from ~?r Bradley and one from T.:r Norton were read. D,iotion by P1r Fenno seconded by W"r Strickland that the applications .J be filed for Further reference: CARRI:D, The :.:ayor then reported that the pond Trustees hd been sworn in on the 1Sth d y of June 1914, ~r Strickland representing the Fairbanks L;orse Co, then addressed the meeting in reference to furnidhing ::ngine £or light and water plant. The Clerk c:as then inatructied to write the J B i~eCrary Co., in refer epee to Triplex and Duplex Pumps. 1.1r Bradshaw made a motion was seconded by ~:r Str -ickland that the Clerk be instrneted to ,;bite 1!dr Bussey in reference to preparing an ordi ,~„ name rei,*ulating the duties of the Bon^ Trustees. ..a CAit~i L^,,D . The question of gettin, poles for light plant was they discussed. Cn motion it was decided to lay this matter over until next regular nee t ing. 1?cued znd second^d that the -_ ~ ~ Approved - ~ Atteet M