07-02-14Delray, Fle, July 2, 1'14. ICJ There was a called meeting of the City Council & Bond Trustees held on the above date. Roll call showed the following members presertsJ R Cason, T t:?icRae, ' G Fenno, L H Bradshaw, G J~Strickland, Boni Trustees present: F Cre{ro, J S '7uepner and J L Chatfield, i.'.r Pierce representing the J B hicOrary Co then addressed the meeting and explained the work ings of the Co and made the following prop 0e it ion to the Town of Delray, Thatthe J B McOrsry Co'would install the Blectric Light and 'v9ater Plant for the sum of X19,476.00 and to buy the bonds at par. The Town is tD have the privilege of advertising for sale of Bonds and would relit the Tovrn with 2, ~3 of what they sold above 95 to per. -° ^_ The specifications not being received it was moved any supported hat meetin^ ad,;ourn/ to meet on ~Sonday evening July 6th. day of ~~"~E~G ~ A.D.1914 i /~ /oJ Approved / Attest Clerk J /~ T i e /_, iZ i