07-06-14Delray, Fla, July 6, 1914,
I_ J
I A called meeting ~Qf the Playcr and. City Council and Bond Trustees
`was held in the Board of Trade Buildin on the above date and was called
Ito order by Presidnt Cason at 8:45 o'c~ock,
Roll call ahomed the following members present: Pdayor ?filler,
iJ R Cason, L H Bradsha:;, J G Fenno, G J Strickland, T Pc:L".cRae, Bond True-
: tees Frank Crego, J S Nue-per J L Chatfield,
J R Cason, president ofi the Tovm Council then stated the object
!Bf the meeting which was for the purpose of discussing the selling of th9
;.~p20,000 bonds issue that hadbeen voted for the purpose of installing a
;water nd electric light plant in the Town of Lelray and letting the con-
~taret for the erection of the same.
iCr i'ierce representing the J B ficCrary Co of A±lanta, Ga, which
was as follows:
There being quite a number of citizens present there wss an invite
at ion extended to all or any of them to take part in the meeting and es-
Ipress their views it reference to this mstter,
~ P,ir Cromer then"addressed the meeting and stated that he was not
in favor of letting the contract or selling the bonds without advert isixg
,and that ~r O~Neal had looke over the specifications and thot that they
-were not what they seemed t~ be.
bir O'Neal wss then called-and s?id that he had not studied the g3
~plana and specifications carefully, therefore could not give a fair opin
A Letter was then reed from A B Sanders as follows:
Dr Cason, President of the Council.
Dear Sir:-
I have aecmred prices on practically all items of your propos-
eQ water and light slant and my estimate of actual coat is such that it
ould nAt attr-ctive at a price much less than your bond issue and I
dont think you will m ke a mistake in giv ng the J B ticCrary Co of Atlan
a the contaret, but would suggest that such items as pumps and engines
Eenerator hydraul valve and water tower be identified by giving names
of manufacturers as there is quite a different ~~rice by different
ufacturers and ea me re better, I dont see that I can serve yo~z fort
Yours Truly,
A.B. Sanders.
Ilir 3urk ads^reseed the meeting stating that he thot the council was push
ing the natter too fast and thot it would be mote satisfactory to adver
tine for bids for contract also f'or bonds.
Ilir Lyons of Lakworth t'ren addressed the meeting and said he thot
the propo~itionrade b-~ the ElcCrary Co was ~ very reasonable otte.
bir Zeder also apo;.e and said he favored letting Ric Crary & CO have
the contract for ins:~talling Electric and water plant.
Mr Johnson th n ad reseed -he meeting and said that he thot the ~
sooner that the city could get these i provements the better it would be ;;
for the tovm and thot the ntcOrary proposition was a very go^d one.
Iltr Cason ';hen addressed the meeting and favore? the letting of the
contract to the Iicrary Co as they red agreed to take the Bonds at par a
end commence work at once.
Lir McRae, ;.:'r Strickland, i,:r Fenno and ~r Bradshaw all favored lett-
.ng the contract to the J B McCrary Co but toa_dvertise for bids and ~n
Mr Chatfield said he v~ s in favor of letting the contract but was n
:ot in favor of selling the bonds without advertising,
Mr Hofman in favor of lettinfr, the con tract but in favor of advertising
bids for the bonds.
A motion wa= then made b-' P:r Strickland and aeconded by*,ur McBae as fol
.cws that in consideration of the liberal offer made by the J B T+;cOrary Co
hat they be given the contract for installing the Electric lirrht and Wat b
:": vote was ther. taken by Yeas and ATays as follows s
J R Cason Yea
J G Fenso "
G J Strickl_nd
L H Bradshaw
T M L'C~Z&e n
~'Byspecisl reeuestthe Bond Trustees were required to vote.
All voted" Yea."
Motion by Mr ~;cRae and seconded by Mr b'ehno that tho following be
.iahed~in three papers to be selected by the clerk, one each week for
weeks, CARRIED.
'idater anc Electric Light
_ 6;~ Bonds.
Bids vrill be receiv0l] by the undersigned until 7 P;M Au~ast 10th 1914
at the office of the City Clerk, on the .20,000 vrater and electric light
Bonds; securities bear 6p interest payable semi-anr_ually at the National
ank of Commerce of New York city,Principal due July 1st 1944 and payable
~t the same place.
Town of Delray, rla,
(~ ,~ ~ >~~~1 ~-~ Mayor
On motion meting adjcnrred,
of A.D. 1914
City Clerk.