Delray, Fla, July 7, 1914.
There was a c-~,lled meeting of the City Council ;m~' Representative''
" Citizens at the Board of Trade B,ilding on `he abo ve date to meet Lir In
jgraham of the F E C R R in reference to securing a lot on crhich to build
,an Electric light and~:•,ater plant.
The meeting was called to order b,-;r President Cation at 10:30 o'clock ri
Roll call showed *.he following members present: J R Cason, ".` ".i >;icRae, L H
jBradsl~aw, S' G°~6nno. Aieaent, G J Strickland.
J R Cason then announced the object of .the meeting after which Lir
Ingraham made the following proposition that he would sell the City the
lot ling west Of the, R R between the i~iilton Packing House and the ~ 0
Painter '"are House known as the P3ontgomery lot, for the sum of five h~nd-
fired dollars, X25 sash am. the balance in five Ceara with interest at 5°~
pn neferred payments.
A mot ion was made by PSr 3icRae and seconded by Ilir Aradahaw that the
City accept air Inaraham's proposition and instructed the clerk to close
~up the deal with fir Ingraham and to draws warranfr for X25 for first nay-
~ment on the lot. A Yea anu"Play note wre taken as follows: Yeas J R Cason,
~T Pd ISeHae, L H Brashaw, J G Fenno, G J Strickland being absent.
Pdotion eras maed by b?r Ilicnae any seconded by Il.r Fenno that a vote
~of appreciation and thanks be extended to Mr Ingraham for his most liberal
Iterms a.nd the foregoing proposal.
i IlZr Ingram then addressed the me eting in a formal way eapresaing
Shia gratification in the progress that the Town o~ Delray was making and
~arishing it it continued prosperity,
Liotion by Psru'icxae and seconded by ~r Bradshaw that meeting be
{~d journed,~
Approved ~~ DAY OF ~"'" "" A.D. 1914
Attest Clark
i %~ //
/, , ~ ~
esident. ~