07-13-14 RegularDelrys~., Fla, July 13 1914.
The regular meetine~ of the Council was held on the above date and was
~ ~, called to order by President Ca@on at Bs30
Roll call showed the following member=, presnet: J R Cason, G . Strick
L G Fenno, Absent L K Bradshaw and T I,iPlcRae.
A cor.::unication was read from J B T.SCCrary Co r~latin„ to the IDona val
~ i~dtion papers ant the procuring of the signatures o~ Clerk and President ?
of the Council any' ;,Iayor for Bonds and ordered filed for reference.
L4r Strickland thenpresented Ordinance regulating Heights and tleasurea
i for the Town of Delray.
~ On motion by ?dr Strickland seconded by ~:r Fennom that Ordinance be put
First Reading. CAR^I~D.
^'a or A F tSiller presented,an Or~dinamce pn.rrohibiting poetir,g of bills
on te~.ephine poles anC: electric po es: As
Motion by b4r Str?cklnd, aeconded by tfb Fenno that Ordinance be referr-
~ ed tc Ordinance Committee. Ct.RF,TBD•
~ The clerk then preser•ted bills for the month of June by rreading.
On motion of ~iir Fenno seconded by ;Sr Strickland that bills be referred
to Finance Oouniittee,
Bills reported back from Finance Committee arproved.
i Notion by S~Sr F°nno seconded by Dir Strickland that the clerk be instrue
ted to draw warrants t., cover bills approved. ~
Moved and supported that meeting adjourn.
approved ~ day of A.D.1914
(O~ ~~ ~~,
P~ sident.