07-15-14 SpecialDelray, Fla. July 15 191:.
A srecial meeting of the City Cour,eil was called on the above date
end was called tc orderat 3:3C by Presicent J R Cason.
Roll call shcwed followingr members present: J R Cason, T .` McRae, J
G Fenno, L H Bradshaw and G J?:"Strickland. Absent None•
The meeting was called to adopt the resolutions furnished by the J B
~I.cCrary CO in reference to the validation of the 3onds.
President Bf Counoil J R Cason read the resolutions. A vote of Yeas
j and :;aye was then t^ken~ whet§er to a out the resoltuions or not.
Roll call showed the following vote.
J R Cason Yea•
L H Bradslvsw '
~ T I4 a~cRae
I J G renno "
G J 5trio1-la.nd "
motion was then made by 2~_^r Strickland seconded by A4r Fenno that the
clerk be instructed at his earliest conveflience to make an engagement with 's
DL'r Buasey, the city Attorney to take up the matter of having the Bonds ''
Validate and that he be further instructed to make the best deal possible
with Lir Bussey in reference to this matter.
d:o~ed - nd sA:onded that the meetin~^ adjourn.
Approved. z ~__;~.~_ day of A.D. 1914:
Attest Clerk
i ~ ~'
~ ~
Pr s ren~r, ~~~