07-27-14 RegularD®lray Florida, July 27. 1914.
Th® regula meeting of the City Council was held on the
abov® date and was called to order at eight thirty b~'
T. M. McRa® aotii~g Pr®aident.
The rol
1 c
all showed
Cason Jr.
the following members present:
Motion by Mr. F®nno, seconded by ]dr. Bradshaw that the
reading of the minut®s of the previous meeting ba
suspended until next meeting.
2ioved and a®oond®d that the applications for the position
pf ~inesr be laid over until nezt me®ting.
air. Gibbs r®presenting th® D®lavergne Engin® Co. th®n
address®d the m®eting in r®farenc® to selling the Gity
a Delavergne Brigin® for the City E1®otria Hight de Wat®r
Works, stating that although th® first oust of this
®ngine was more than other makes that th® fu®1 consump`=
tion was eo small that it would more than make up th®
differ®nce in a short time.
Mr. Strunk then addressed th® meeting s®tting forth tha
good qualities of th® Fairbanks-liorae ffigine.
l4ov®d by Mr, Cason, Seconded by Mkt. F®nno that the
Council go into ez®cutiv® session, and all att®ndanta
be ®zoluded from th® room.
Mr. Strunk then addressed the counoil and gave his figural
on the ooat of fu®1 and lubricating oils for running the
Fairbanks-Liors® Engine.
Mr. Gibbs then gave the Dolt of fool and oil for the
D®lav®rgne Bngina.
after disou$aing th® engin® question it was decided that
the oounoil visit the Blectric Light and Water Plant at
Lak®worth and make an inv®atigation of the engine
install®d ther®.
Th® following r®solution was the pasaedi
. _. .Gibbs repr®®enting tha no,.,____
In as much as the J. B, ]icCrary Cp. have informed us
that a diifferenc® of ~I025.00 eziatad between a
F. B. ~ Y engine and a D®lavergne and in as mush as
Mr G W
!engine Co. has appeared before this body and 0et forth
th® advantages of his ®ngin® anal guaranteeing the coat
!of the Delavergne ®ngine to b® 746.00 ov®r and above
~ F B do M and offering suitable terms.
'Therefore be it r®soly®d by the town Couhcil of th® Town
Iof Delray that we close th® contract with 33r. Gibbs for
Ith® Delavergne ®ngin® subject to cancellation Wednesday
!July 29th in case we find after investigation that xe
;are financially unable to make the change from F B ds M
!to Delavergn®, or oth®rwise d®oide in th® interval that
it is not to our int®rest from other standpoints to
mak® the change.
',Nesting adjourned to meet July 80th 1914.
~`'~ ~
Approv®d this th®_~~ day of-- A.D. 1914.
Pr®si ant of Co cit.
Attest City Clerk.