08-10-14 RegularDelray, Florida, Aug 10th 1914,
I The regular meeting of the City Council was Called on the
',above date o:ving to their not being a Quorum present meeti
.ng adjourned to meet Aug 14th.
Delray Florida• Aug 14th 1914. ~'.
jThe adjourned regular meeting of the city council pas he1H
ion the above date and wa called to order by Pres' Cason
fat 8:30 Roll call ahorred t7;e following members present
~J.R.Cason, G.J.Strickland, L.H.Bradshaw. Absent T.pl.bfcRc~.e ',,
~& L.H.Bradshaw, '`~
:riinutes of the Laat meeting were read and approved as
A motion was then made by ltr Strickland ~ Sec' bpt ~:r
Bradshaw that the millage be 15 mills for the year 1914,
10 mills general fund and 5 mills to provide for a sinking
fund on Bonds.
Vot® by yeas & Naes was taken as follows
J.R.Cason Yea,
L.H.Bradshaw Yea, ( YcRae & Fenno Absent)
G.J.Str:i.ckland Yea,
The Clerk then read the Bills for the month of July
3~otion by Mr Bradshaw Sec By b:r Strickland that Bills
be referred to the Finance Committee
Bills reported back from finance Comm' approved,
A motion b~ 1{r Bradshaw Sec By ~r Strickland that
the Clerk be instructed to issue warrents to cover B111s
The matter of making some changes in the pipe line wad
then taken up and discussed, -
A ~{otion by ~r Bradshaw and Seconded by ~Ir Stricgl~
that the pipe line running south on Aitken street south
ifrom Nr Troups also west on Ingraham streot to R.R. and
ion Parrott St from Ingraham St to A'[r Chatfiolds be put out
and that a Taco inch pipe be laid on Boynton St
from Atlantic Avenue to Thomas Street, and that
inch pipe be laid on Swinton Avo for one Block
Atlantic Ave" and that a Hydrant be placed at n
of four inch line,
a four
north from
orth end
14r Hocker of Ft Lauderdale then Addressed the meeting in
refference to securing a position as Electrician for the
Town of Delray, Free" Cason requested him to put his
e,plication in zamiting and present it at the next meeting
of the City Cot:ncil,
C.~'d.Dodd presented an aplication for permission
to erect a building for the purpose of tutoring ice owned
by the City for The Electric Light and 6"dater Plant.
after d~scutusing the matter he was instructed to prepare
a Lease and present it at the next meeting for the
consideration of the Council,
~?eeting then adjaurned to m®et lionday,Evening Aug
Approved ~ `7 '~'' ~' ~
~~ °^ ~ day of~1914.
Ze®ident of Counc