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08-17-14 Adjourned
Derlay, Florida Aug 17th. 1914' n Ad~ouri~ed meeting of the City council met on the above date and was call®d to order at eight oalook by 'President J. R. Cason, Jr. 'The roll oall showed the following members pr®sent. J. R. Cason J. G. Fonno L. H. Bradshaw G: J. Strickland T. M. SoRae 'The minute of the previous m®®ting were r®ad and aPPro~ed. A petition was then prey®nt®d, signed by a number of aiti ens, requesting that the lots on Boynton St. and Iowno~d by Charles Carrington be oleaned to present :danger of fire to the neighboring houses. Oxi motion by Mr. ~'®nno and seoonded by 3Sr ~a~u~z 3[aRae, that the 1Iarahall notify air Carrington of th® !pet~lition and r~~~est him to comply with sam®, also to notify 1[r. ~1a11s to hale the lots south of lir. Kristoffersons oleared off. 'Motion Carri®d. The resignation of 2ir. Ohatfield, Bond Trustee, to take effect at the pleasure of the Council was read by the Clerk. Lotion by Mr. McRae, seconded by Mr. Fenn® that it be filed with the Clerk for future aa8aon=:a consideration. Notion Carried. President J. R. Cason Jr. then appoint®d 4Yater & Lightr-committee, J. G. F®nno, G. J. Strickland, T. 2i. MoRae. J. G. ~'®nno, Chairman. The Ordinance ®ntitlod,an Ordinance requiring any person, firm oi' corporation,=a#Yta~ ~ or the servant, agent or e~pployes of any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering, by weight, within the City of Delray, Florida, any merchandise, produce, ice or other articl®, to provide and have conv®nient at all times acourate and reliable Baalea or weighing machines and to weigh such merchandise, produce or other article in the prasenoe of $uch customer upon demand by such customer that suoh merahandis®, produce ice or oth®r article shall be weigh®d in the presence of such customer was referred beak by Ordinance Committee. Moved by ilr. McRae and seconded by air. Fenno that it be put on second reading and final passes®. ldotion serried. Lr. Harwell then addressed the meeting in reference to the ice business and stated that under his present contract that hscould not weigh ice and makeany thing !~ s J AN oRDIPIANCE requiring any per€~on, firm, or corporation, or the servant, ager_t or employee of any person firm or corporation selling and delivering, by weight, to customers within the City, of Delray, Florida, any merchandise, produc®,, ice or other article, to provide and have eonve- nient at all times accurate and reliable scales or weighing machines, and to weigh such merchandise, produce, ice or other article in the presence of such customer upon demand by such customer that such merchandise, produce, ice or other article shall be weighed in the presenco of such customer. BE YT ORDAINED BY THE ~dAYOR AND CITY COLRQCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. That each and every person, firm or oorporation and the servant, agent or employee of any such person, firm or corporation, that shall sell and deliver, by weight, any merchandise, produce, ice or other article to any customer within the City of Delray, Florida, shall provide and have convenient at all times accurate and reliable scales or weighing machines with whioh to weigh such merchandise, produco, ice or other article, and upon demand of such anstomer shall in the presence of such customer weigh such merchandise, produce, ice, or other article before the delivery of same to such customer . =E* SECTION 2. Spy person firm or corporation that shall violate any provision of the preoeding section, or that shall use for the purposes required by said section, any false or unreliable scales or weighing machine, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION S. This ordinanoe shall take effect on the 3rd day of September, A D. 1914. SECTION 4 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions hereof be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed the T day of __s~--~' A D 1914. ~\ ~ Atteati C ty Clerk. ;~ e /' Approved the day of - _ A D. 1914. ~ ~~-- HAYOR . ~- D - _-°,~+ on it. A vote was then taken on Ordinance as follows: J. R. Cason Jr. Nay ': T. P4. ?$cRae Nay L. H. Bradshaw Nay J. G. Fenno Nay G. J. Stric~aland Nay The ordinance entitl©d: An Ordinance to prohibit the posting of Bills on telephones poles Electric Light pot®a, and on places where the same may become a public nuiaance~ was referred back from Ordinance Committee. }loved izy bir. PdaRae and second®d by Mr. Fenno that ordinance be put on second reading and final passage. Vote by yeas and nays waa then taken resulting as follo J. R. Cason Jr. yea T. A~. P3cRa© gee L. H. Bradshaw nay J. G. Fenno yea G. J. Strickland yea Th® mattor of rates for Pslectric Light and Water waa taken up and thoroughly discussed. Motion by Mr. Fenno, seconded by Ptr. Bradshaw that a flat rate oS One Dollar per month for resid®nce be established. This alloweone spigot on lawn with which on~lot may b® sprinkled. An additional charge of twenty cents per moat; shall be charged for each additional lot sprinkled. also two openings in the house provided one opening be connected with bath room or toilet. Rate to be paid Quarterly in advance. Motion Carried. After this th® Light question wsa taken up and discussed Motion by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Nr. Strickland that the following rates for Flectric Light be adopted. M®ter Rates: For th® first a 25 ~ffi~W Hours 12¢ per RW Hour. All over 25 KW Hours up to 50 K49 ours 10¢ per I{W Hour All over 50 KW Hours £3~G per FfW Hour Minimum flat rates Residences 1.25 per Month Business Houses $2.00 p®r Month For leas than three lights the following flat rato shall apply: 1-40 Batt Lamp 75¢ per Month 2-40 Batt Lamp 1.00 per Month 3 lights minimum rate will apply. 2letera will b9 required and install®d when number of lights eacesds three. e-~ 0 0 ~i An Ordinance to prohibit the posting of Bills on Telephone Poles, Electric Light Poles, and on plaoes a-here the same may become a public nuisance. Be it Ordained by the Town Council of the -Town of Delray, Florida. That it shall be urilarrful for any person or persons to post nail oi' paste any bills signs or advertisements on any telephone or Electric Light Poles or on any build: or other plane where the bills, signs or advertisements may become loose and be spattered upon the Street. Any person or persons violating this ordinance shall b® punished by a fine not to exceed 25.00 or by imprisonme~ not to exceed 15 days or both. This ordinance shall take effect on the 17th day of August, A D. 1914. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions hereof shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed thi® the 17th day of August, A D 1914. ~ `~~~ emi en City Co cit. Attests City Clerk. =~ Approved this the l day of ~~ti' A D. 1914«= C '' Mayor. when iieter is furnished by City. Customer has right to peuchase and furnish his own meter if so desired. 3 a d ' ; City will keep all meters in proper repair. Service will be discontinued if bills ar® not paid promptl'.. A deposit of ~j5.00 is required of customers where renting, '# and property owners not assuming responsibility. A charge of 1.00 will be made for connecting each and every servic® connected and if said service shall be discontinued and customer wants to reconnect a charge of 50¢ shall be made for same. coved and carried that meeting adjourn. Approved this the Day of August A.D. 1914. i ~~ . ~, dent of Counc ~r ~` Attest Clerk. 1 i ~, .~ i a ~:d