08-22-14Delray, Florida. August 22, 1914.
A called meeting of the City Council was held on the
above data to meet B. L. Alois rap~asonting the Etaraka
Fir® Hoae Co. with the idea oP purchasing afire equipment
for the Town of Da1raY.
ZSaating was called to order at 11 oclock by President
J. R. Cason Jr.
J. R. Cason Jr.
T. 2S. McRae
J. G. Fenno
L. H. Bradshaw
Roll Dell showed tYs' following members present.
3[r. Alois addressed the meeting and aaplainad to sham the
the Jiffarant grades and qualities of fire hose and the
benefits to be derived from having a good fire fighting
equipment, both fob the protecti®n and the lower insurance
Tha matter was then discussed by the ?Savor and Councilman
after which Mr. A1vis mesa the City the following
To sell the Town 1500 ft Helmet Single Brand hose for
1560.00 Also 6-2 5/8" underwriters plug pip®, 3
]hareka ,phut off Yozzles, 12 Yombination 2renohes, 1
28" 8lymar Bell, 3 Steal 500 ~t Cup Reels for 540.00
one Prospect Hook & Ladder Truck Complete for 250.00
making a total of 1940.00 on the following term®.
Four months open account and a year thereafter with
interest at aia per Dent.
A vote of yeas and nays was then tak®n on accepting the
proposition, which r®sulted as follower
J. R. Cason Jr. yea
T. Sd. McRae yea
L. H. Bradshaw yea
J. G. Fenno yea
?SOtion by Mrl~ YcRae, seconded by Mr. Fenno t1Tat the City
accept Mr. A1Ti.a proposition and that tYse 3Etayor and Clark
be authorized to eaecute Contract for same.
There being no further buriness the meeting adjouaned.
Approved this the ~~day of August A D 1914.
,/`/ //f ~
~ i
Pres erg" mom, of Co cil .
Attest City Clerk.