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D®lray Blorida, Aug. aa24th, 1914. C~ Q D City Council met on the above date and wav call©d to order at seven oclock by Pr®sident J. R. Cason Jr. The roll call showed the following members prevent. J. R. Cason Jr. T. ?~. ?ScRae L. H. Bradshaw J. G. Fenno G. J. Strickland The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv®d. President Cason th®n read t®legram from J. B. McCrary Co. in r®ference to the validating of Bonds. Motion by Mr. McRae seconded by Bx. F®nno that Dr. Cason b® authorized to r®present the City in re of Bond validation before Judge Simms in Jacksonville on September first. In ®v®nt oP his inability to go to Jaoksonville to b® empowered to appoint his alt®rnate. Plotion serried. The question of putting down th® well was th®n brought up and thoroughly discusved. 1[r Hare made a reposition that he would put down a siz inch well for 2.50 per foot. Motion by Mr. 3laRae and veoonded by Mr. Bradshaw that the City ent®r into contract with Mr. Hare to put down two aia inch wells for water works and is to use st®el or ®atra heavy black pip® in accordance with his bid at $2.60 per foot and that the Mayor and C1®rk be authorized to alos® contrast with him. Motion by Mr. PlaRae and second®d by Mr. Bradshaw that a motion madeAug. 14th r®lative to change in pipe 1in® on Boynton and Swinton Ave. b® reconsidered. Motion carri®d. Motion by Mr. McRae and seoonded by Mr. Bradshaw that the original motion be tabled. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. }gaRae and v®conded by Mr. Bradshaw, That the pip® line running south on Aitken St. be out out south of ~3r. Troope house alvo on Tngra-hm St. and that a four inch pipe b® laid on Swinton Ave. north one block 3n plao® of th® one and on® half inoh pip® and that a hydrant be plea®d on est8. of four .inoh line. }lotion carried. Mr. Cromer and Mr. Troop app®ared b®for® th® counoil in r®gard to paving Atlantic Avenue. ~~ 1 Motion By l~r AicCrae and ''econded by Mr Strickland that the mayor issue his proclomation calling for Annual Blection and that the Clerk open tho Registration Book Carried ^, number of Applications were then read from different parties desiring the position of Engineer for the Electric Light and ;dater p1~3.nt after looking them ovor carfully Mr Mc Rae made a motion and was Sect by Mr Strickland tha they accept Mr Bradleys Application to be Engineer of the Electric Light and Water Plant, Salery to begin at option of City Council, Carried. Motion by Mr. *~cRae seaonded by Mr. Stricklamd that the applications b® r®turned ~S.at #3¢ to the different applicants and enclose reelerencee. Carried. Committee consisting of the Mayor, Mr. Fenno, and Mr. Bradshaw appointed for the purpose of investigating and making recommendations and submitting plans and approaima0 cost for 'Mihilding for fire apparatus. Moved by Mr. 2[cRae and seconded Dodds proposition be accepted. A vote by yeas and nays resulted J. R. Cason Jr. nay T. M. McRae nay L. H. Brad®haw nay G. J. Strickland nay J. G. Fenno nay by 1[r. Bradshaw that Mr. as follows. Moved by Mr. Scat McRae ®econded by l[r. Striokland that Covncil adjourn till Thursday Night. Approved this the Attest Carri d. day of August A.D. 1914 l /', ' Pr si~ent of Counq~e~- City Clerk Delray, Florida. August 31, 1914. Article of Agresmont made and entered into this the 31st day of August A D 1914 by and between R. F. Hair of the Town of Delray, County of Palm Beach, Florida, Party of the first part, and the Town of Delray Party of the second part, H9ITNFSSETH: That the said party of the first part agrees to put down two wells for the party of the second part in the Town of Delray at at Delray, Florida, said wells to be six (6) inches in diameter and to be ca®ed up with heavy black well casing or Steel Casing said wells to be of a dephth to give a sufficien supply of good water. Party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part the sum of 2.50 per foot, City to pay the cost of wells when wells axe completed and accepted. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of: G. J. Strickland D. Hawker R. F. Hair. (SEAL) Town of Delray by A. F. PSiller~p2dayo~~EAL) Edw. L. Stephens A. ~6cNeilley (SEAL) City Clerk. ~~